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Block trade routes and supply lines

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  • Block trade routes and supply lines

    Here's my "this should be in civ" rant.

    Running a strategy of denial has been very popular in military history.. It's how Rome dodged defeat against Hannibal on Roman soil and how Germany almost destroyed Britain in the WWII.
    If civ had visible lines of supply for units, and visible trade routes, both that where able to be pirated/blockaded, then you could play a strategy of denial.

    Units who's supply lines are broken begin to loose HP,
    Cities who are denied certain resources cannot produce units requiring that resource and loose income from that resource.

    I think its a key strategic element that was unfortunately overlooked.

  • #2
    there is a thread for civ5 ideas

    cross post there

    anti steam and proud of it

    CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be

