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Natural national wonder pairings?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Arrian
    Wall Street + Ironworks. These two don't have any particular synergy, but then again I don't feel like it's a bad combo, like Wall Street + Heroic Epic. Plus, like Blake said, settled great prophets will provide hammers that get multiplied.
    I don't get this. The obvious city for Iron Works is whichever city has Iron and/or Coal in its city radius. If it has decent production. Otherwise, it's not worth building at all. That's why I don't end up with an Iron Works city most of the time at all. Getting to build 3 engineers is nice, but it's not worth the health hit at all, much less the enormous cost.


    • #32
      Originally posted by popejubal

      I don't get this. The obvious city for Iron Works is whichever city has Iron and/or Coal in its city radius. If it has decent production. Otherwise, it's not worth building at all. That's why I don't end up with an Iron Works city most of the time at all. Getting to build 3 engineers is nice, but it's not worth the health hit at all, much less the enormous cost.
      A city does not have to have iron or coal in its fat cross for ironworks to work. Just having access to it is enough. It has to be in your cities resource box. So you must have it in your empire, and your city must be connected to your empire's resource network.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Diadem

        A city does not have to have iron or coal in its fat cross for ironworks to work. Just having access to it is enough. It has to be in your cities resource box. So you must have it in your empire, and your city must be connected to your empire's resource network.
        Thanks for the tip! Somehow, I thought that Iron Works was unusual in that respect. Go figure.

        Iron Works in the Capital + Bureaucracy.

        (Has anyone else noticed that Bureacuracy is one of the very few multipliers that are actually multiplied instead of "add-iplied"?)


        • #34
          Another vote for Oxfords in the cap, though this is more a civic/national wonder synergy. I sometimes put NE there, but it does depend on the food situation and whether there is another clear GP farm city site.

          I tend to put both HE and Ironworks in my best production city.


          • #35
            Originally posted by DrSpike
            I tend to put both HE and Ironworks in my best production city.
            There's a discussion in another place that you suggest you reconsider this pairing - on most land based maps, by the time the Ironworks rolls in you'll normally have a second city with the potential to become a production monster (defined as 60+ base hammers per turn in the industrial era).


            • #36
              Originally posted by VoiceOfUnreason

              There's a discussion in another place that you suggest you reconsider this pairing - on most land based maps, by the time the Ironworks rolls in you'll normally have a second city with the potential to become a production monster (defined as 60+ base hammers per turn in the industrial era).
              I agree!

              Certainly it's hard to see how IW + heroic epic would make sense if the city can make one top notch unit per turn either with or without the IW.

              Plus you'd probably not want to ever tie down your HE city building a wonder even while you'd probably always want your IW city to be available to crank out the next greatest wonder to have the best odds of beating the competition to it.


              • #37
                Well my reasoning is perfectly logical, though it isn't a synergy based one per se. I tend to put the HE in the best early production city to get units efficiently. Later on if that is still the best production city it gets IW for spaceship parts.

                And if you are playing for a spaceship victory and have handled the game well, you dont really need to pump units at the end - your key windows for needing a force to discourage attacks have passed.


                • #38
                  I usually put Globe Theatre + Nat Epic in the first city settled, because it's food production is mostly enormous.

                  The gambit is to quickly get 8 cities, rusht to Drama as soon as possible and build theatres in all cities.
                  My capital usually is on par or bigger in pop than AI capitals (playing Emperor + Blakes AI) and turns out to be a good GP Farm as well as production monster (one can whip as much as he wants).

                  Drama is one of the three early mass-hapiness-givers [Calendar, Monarchy, Drama], so its quite useful as-is.
                  It's also a good way to acquire Philosophy along with Pacifism civic.
                  -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                  -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

