which specials can reduce the hammer count of a mined hill?
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discovering specials in hills?
Originally posted by Arrian
Wow, really? It's not THAT uncommon. If one plays a lot of OCC games, or short MP games (they do tend to be shorter than SP games, no?), I suppose one is less likely to see it.
I'd forgotten the feature existed until I saw this thread.
Originally posted by Jaybe
Gold or silver particularly, Geronimo. Fewer hammers, more commerce.
I can't understand the civ4 approach on this from either a gameplay or realism perspective.
Originally posted by Quillan
The mine has to be currently worked to discover a new deposit, and it will never happen if there is a special on the hill that just hasn't been revealed yet. But I also play marathon and usually get 2-3 new discoveries per game. It's a reduced list, only things that can be accessed via a mine can be discovered: iron, copper, coal, gems, gold, silver, uranium and aluminum.
Each resource is checked individually, in the same order every time (defined in the appropriate XML file - I believe it is also alphabetical); so Gold is very slightly more likely to come than Silver.
Can I go off topic for just a minute here? If there is a sea resource inside of your territory but outside of any city limit, can you work that resource and get the health benefit from it, just like you might gain the benefit of any land resource outside a city limit but inside your territory as long as it is connected by a road?
Originally posted by Brundlefly
Can I go off topic for just a minute here? If there is a sea resource inside of your territory but outside of any city limit, can you work that resource and get the health benefit from it, just like you might gain the benefit of any land resource outside a city limit but inside your territory as long as it is connected by a road?You don't have to be a Pastafarian to love pasta. Pirates rule!
The chance is 1/10000 per resource per mine per turn. So a total of 8/10000 per turn per mine if you have all the required techs.
That may not seem like a lot. But the game has 460 turns and you can easily have 20-30 mines in your empire even when it's not so big yet.
So you'd expect this to happen 1-3 times each game, which is more or less correct.
It's very rare though, early game, and more common late game. Early game you can't see (and thus get) all the resources yet, and you'll have less mines.
If you're super lucky you can get it early, I mean BC. I once found gems in a city that I had built especially because of two gold resources that could boost my early research.It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars
Does it also depend on terrain type??
For instance, Gold is only map generated on Plains & Desert Tiles, Where as Silver is found in Tundra/Snow
So, if your Working a Grassland/Hill, they can still get those types of possible bonuses??
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