I recently fired up Civ 4 again after a long haitus, using Blake's improved AI. I can't seem to handle the Ancient age, let alone anything afterward, if I don't pull of a Civil Service Slingshot. I've run a couple of games now where I've gotten to about about 400 AD, decided I was doomed, and then tried multiple times to do better with different approaches from the 4000 BC autosave and failed each time.
It's not that the starts are bad. It's that if I don't pull off a CS slingshot, the AIs run away with tech early on and I never catch up. Even a successful FarSeer isn't good enough.
I suppose that I don't have enough cottages per city. What's the "right" number? And what about starts where the only reasonable cottage sites require chopping a forest first? Yeah, all those potential hammers from chopping are great, but it means my I'm far behind in cottage development when I finally get Bronze Working.
For example, I recently ran a game with the Japanese, and I had corn, cattle, wine, and deer, but every ordinary plains or grassland square was covered with forest. I could have planted cottages on the specials, but I'd just have to tear them down later.
I ended up with 4 cities, 30 population, and 10 cottage tiles by 320 AD, and the Inca were half a dozen techs ahead of me, even though I had snagged both the Oracle and the Great Library. My GNP was half his, and I was lagging him in production as well, so I gave up.
- Gus
It's not that the starts are bad. It's that if I don't pull off a CS slingshot, the AIs run away with tech early on and I never catch up. Even a successful FarSeer isn't good enough.
I suppose that I don't have enough cottages per city. What's the "right" number? And what about starts where the only reasonable cottage sites require chopping a forest first? Yeah, all those potential hammers from chopping are great, but it means my I'm far behind in cottage development when I finally get Bronze Working.
For example, I recently ran a game with the Japanese, and I had corn, cattle, wine, and deer, but every ordinary plains or grassland square was covered with forest. I could have planted cottages on the specials, but I'd just have to tear them down later.
I ended up with 4 cities, 30 population, and 10 cottage tiles by 320 AD, and the Inca were half a dozen techs ahead of me, even though I had snagged both the Oracle and the Great Library. My GNP was half his, and I was lagging him in production as well, so I gave up.
- Gus