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Some interface questions

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  • Some interface questions

    Is it possible to change production orders from the main map? If so, how?

    Is it possible to order workers to JUST build roads/railroads? If so, how?

    In the diplomacy screens, is it possible to view relationships/opinions? I keep getting asked to trade or stop trading with people but I"d like to go see who hates who and how much before I make my decision. Can I do that?

  • #2
    1. Click on a city's billboard (the thing with its name, pop. number and that). The orders section of the interface (the bottom center pane) will show build orders.

    2. One is the "Route to" command which will order a Worker to build a road to wherever you point. Another option is the "Build trade network" button, which automates the worker, making it build roads/railroads and connect resources.

    3. During diplomacy, you can press F4 to see the Foreign Advisor and check what's going on. In fact, you can access all advisors that way, I think.
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


    • #3
      3. In the Foreign Advisor screen (F4) on the Relations tab you can select any player. Then roll the cursor over any other player to see how that player views the selected player. It also shows what they are trading.

