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was warlords a dissapointment

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Rancidlunchmeat
    More Navies! WTF? Naval Warfare is severly lacking in the entire CIV series, especially when you consider the impact they actually had on history.

    I also think its retarded you can't do any real exploration or colonization until you get Astronomy because half the game is over by that point. IMO, it should be like Civ III (II?) where you could move the units into sea squares but each turn they remained there, it would be a % chance of sinking.
    No, that did not work well. If it were the case that you wanted to have ships earlier moving the tech (or its effect) earlier would be much more sensible. However, I have to say astronomy usually comes up pretty early in my games.


    • #17

      <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
      I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


      • #18
        Originally posted by snoopy369

        Heh. I used that as my leader name in my last game. It was awesome, I was literally LOLing every time the diplomacy screen came up


        • #19
          Originally posted by Dis
          definately needs more naval units.

          My main disappointment was the fact there were only 3 new units for the main game.


          • #20
            Unnecessary expansion - yes. Disappointment - no. It's a good expansion, but it didn't improve Civ4, the focus on warfare just made it different.


            • #21
              I don't agree that it was unnecessary. The game would just die off if there weren't tweaks to it, just like all games. Otherwise, no-one would try modding. Change is good, as long as you don't overhaul the core system.

              There were some differences, yes, but it was necessary to give people a change from the norm. Gameplay has been improved with it, I think (vassal states make things very intersting, IMHO, and Blake's done an awesome job using the tools provided).
              Last edited by Virdrago; January 22, 2007, 12:42.


              • #22
                Well that's not an x-pack issue per se. With the tools Blake has improved 1.61 and 2.08 in parallel.


                • #23
                  Agreed. I'm just saying, that if we kept everything vanilla with add-ons (just a couple of new civs or leaderheads), then the XP would be unnecessary. I just used Blake as an example off how the XP changed people's focus, and kept the modding going in ever changing ways, be it a tweak or a whole new mod. He may have been a bad example, admittedly...
                  Last edited by Virdrago; January 22, 2007, 18:23.

