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Are combat odds flawed in PBEM?

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  • Are combat odds flawed in PBEM?

    Just having a rather odd string of combat result in a PBEM. After my opponent killed a bunch of my units without losing a single units I entered "whining mode" about what I viewed as unatural good luck on his part. This got him checking *all* combats in our war and he found that in *all* fights where the odds of winning was above 50%, the attacker won.

    There has been 17 such fight so far. While this may not be enough to call statistically significant I still find it very weird.

    Anyone seen anything like this before? Is this a bug or are are we just having an insane streak of pRNG results?

    (we play vanilla civ4 btw, Edit: it's patch 1.61)
    Last edited by bongo; November 26, 2006, 16:37.
    Don't eat the yellow snow.

  • #2
    Can also add that attacks with bad odds (below 50%) seems to work as expected, in other words, you lose most of the time.
    Don't eat the yellow snow.


    • #3
      heres hoping it not on warlords
      Gurka 17, People of the Valley
      I am of the Horde.


      • #4
        Does anyone have old vanilla civ4 saves they can check to see if I'm alone?
        Don't eat the yellow snow.

