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max on religion

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  • max on religion

    Is there a max on religion?

    Is there a maximum amount of % a religion can get at the start of the game when all other religions are low?

    I'm so lucky as to have the only succesfull religion, spreading like a rabit, where all others got stuck at one city. I wanted to spread it to my neighboor who has one of those religions with 1% because I don't want a war just yet.

    So I send in a misionary but it failed. I did it 2 times more and it kept failing. I admit I reloaded (as it was kinda important) but it failed 3 times again.

    Out of curiosity I kept reloading to see if it was a bug. It never worked. I have the different seeds option on so that isn't the problem.

    Can some of you experienced folks help me out on this one?

  • #2
    dunno about that particular incident,
    but you could try gifting the unit to the civ rather than directly trying to spread the religion yourself.


    • #3
      I've never heard of a cap on religions. What you describe seems very strange.

      Do you have a save?


      • #4
        Re: max on religion

        Originally posted by IKWILEENKIP
        So I send in a misionary but it failed. I did it 2 times more and it kept failing. I admit I reloaded (as it was kinda important) but it failed 3 times again.
        It happens a lot when you try to put the 6th or 7th religion in a city, but i suppose you are speaking about a city with no more tha 2 religions.

        I tried to simulate your situation, through the editor, putting some misionaries near an enemy city at the year 3000 BC, no Teocracy involved. Each time I tried, and tried some times, the religion was succesfully spreaded (maybe failed the first but not the second), and it happend even if the enemy city was a 3 holy city!!. So, i dont think there is a cap, maybe you were sooooooooo unlucky

        what you explained seems really strange, which difficult is "this" game?
        Last edited by Zebek; November 24, 2006, 18:36.


        • #5

          If your neighbor was theocracy, it will always fail...



          • #6
            If your neighbor is in Theo, you won't even be allowed to try. That's different from failing.

            I suspect a bad run of luck in trying to spread a religion to a city that already had several.

            grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

            The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


            • #7
              Figured I'd ask this here...

              Never noticed that before, but it says "Spreads X-religion" there... How does that work?
              I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


              • #8
                Originally posted by Arrian
                I suspect a bad run of luck in trying to spread a religion to a city that already had several.
                I fully agree, just last weekend I played a game were I was trying to spread a religion in a little lvl 2 city of an enemy (Tokugawa) that put it in my continent.

                I thought...... spreading my religion there have more chances to get a rebelion into the city , lets do it!

                Awwwwww.... i wasted more than 10 misionaries in a lvl 2 city that only had one religion !!!. Of course he wasn't running Theocracy, as Arran said if he runs Theo you don't have the chance to spread.

                Luck is a factor too


                • #9
                  OUCH! Ten missionaries? That's absolutely terrible luck. The worse I can recall is 3 failures in a row.


                  Shrines increase the passive spread rate of a religion. I'm not sure of the exact numbers.

                  grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                  The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                  • #10
                    I don't think anyone knows the numbers. They might even be negative.

                    Whenever I found two religions the one I build the shrine for always tends up the least spread, somehow.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Diadem
                      I don't think anyone knows the numbers. They might even be negative.
                      chance = 20 + (((7 - number_of_religions_in_city) * 80) / 7)

                      for your own or teammates cities:
                      chance = 40 + (((7 - number_of_religions_in_city) * 60) / 7)

                      Why would noone know? We have the SDK.


                      • #12
                        Actually I expected someone to know them It was, sort of, a joke, about them being negative.

                        Though I must say I've never seen any noticably effect of shrines.

                        What are the numbers without a shrine?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Nacht
                          chance = 20 + (((7 - number_of_religions_in_city) * 80) / 7)

                          for your own or teammates cities:
                          chance = 40 + (((7 - number_of_religions_in_city) * 60) / 7)
                          That drops a percentage, right?

                          Originally posted by Nacht
                          We have the SDK.
                          uhm... whats SDK?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Tattila the Hun

                            Never noticed that before, but it says "Spreads X-religion" there... How does that work?
                            When a religion is founded, and on each subsequent turn, each agnostic city which is connected to the holy city has some probability of receiving the religion via a passive process (no missionary required).

                            If you build the shrine, that probability is doubled.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Nacht

                              chance = 20 + (((7 - number_of_religions_in_city) * 80) / 7)

                              for your own or teammates cities:
                              chance = 40 + (((7 - number_of_religions_in_city) * 60) / 7)

                              Why would noone know? We have the SDK.
                              Looking at these numbers, they seem wrong. If a city has no religion the odds are 100% to spread it? That's clearly incorrect.

                              Are you sure those aren't the odds of spreading the religion with a missionary? Not from city to city?

