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Team Games With AI?

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  • Team Games With AI?

    I tried this option for the first time last night.

    Wow, that really makes the game incredibly easy (duh) even though I had Monty as my teammate (all leaders were random) and he's a moron.

    But my question is how do you direct what they should research? Or can you?

    Some times we would research the same thing and our research would be added together to breeze right through whatever we were doing. (I experimented to find out if this was the case.. we were both researching the same thing and it was going to take 6 turns... I switched to research something else, and his research time went into the thirties... Did I say yet that Monty's a moron? So I switched back and we got it in 6 turns).

    Anyway.. I went after Music for the SOLE PURPOSE of getting the GA, and Monty joins me in my pursuit of music and HE gets the damn GA. Even though I had started the research FIRST and I was pumping far more research into the quest for music than he was!

    So, in team games, if you research something that gives a free GP, is it just random as to where it appears?

    Also... I'm at war, he's not. Huh?

    Mansa Musa offered to be my vassal... I accepted. How does that interact with my teammate of Monty? Presumably he won't attack Mansa Musa or anything, but is there any other interaction?

    Resources... it appeared that I had use of his resources. I built the GL incredibly quickly because he had marble... I didn't. But then he (Monty) offers to give me his excess Iron.

    Didn't I already have it? Wasn't it already 'shared' before he "traded" it to me?

    And if so, wouldn't it be better to decline the offer so he can trade it to somebody else, or turn around and trade it somebody else myself if I still get 'use' of the resource because he has a source?

    It's my first time playing a team game so forgive me if these questions are silly. Team game + Both people starting with Mysticism + One team getting Budism and one team getting Hinduism as their first moves FTW!

  • #2
    Re: Team Games With AI?

    Originally posted by Rancidlunchmeat
    But my question is how do you direct what they should research? Or can you?
    "Let's talk about something else..." >> "Why don't you research?"

    Originally posted by Rancidlunchmeat
    Anyway.. I went after Music for the SOLE PURPOSE of getting the GA, and Monty joins me in my pursuit of music and HE gets the damn GA. Even though I had started the research FIRST and I was pumping far more research into the quest for music than he was!
    During his turn his lightbulbs are added, during your turn yours. It simply depends on during whos turn the threshold is reached.

    You could of course use the above method to let him switch research one turn before getting music.


    • #3
      btw, you don't share resources as a team.


      • #4
        btw, you don't share resources as a team.
        You do once you have 2 items of a resource.
        -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
        -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


        • #5
          Originally posted by binTravkin

          You do once you have 2 items of a resource.
          They will always offer you any excess resources when you don't have any. That's still no automatic sharing.


          • #6
            I also find if you ask for ones that they only have one of, they will give you it freely.
            "Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are."
            Check out my Blog!


            • #7
              Wow, that really makes the game incredibly easy (duh) even though I had Monty as my teammate (all leaders were random) and he's a moron.
              It depends on the distance between you and team mate. It also depends on how well he/she doing.

              I had a game before where I had to send my troops to help my team mate. I had to help or else it will all be me alone versus 2 of them each. Also it was still early in the game that make it difficult.
              But it was a great game, we conquer the world at the end.


              • #8
                Re: Re: Team Games With AI?

                Originally posted by Nacht

                During his turn his lightbulbs are added, during your turn yours. It simply depends on during whos turn the threshold is reached.

                You could of course use the above method to let him switch research one turn before getting music.
                I was playing a team game with a friend online, and no matter which one of us added the beakers to get the tech, I would always get the benefits of the tech first. Since my civ was terrible and barely contributing science (i was bankrolling him; i love human team games vs. the ai!) I find it really hard to believe that I was always the one to discover the technology. We eventually took your idea, Nacht, and I would switch off from the current tech a turn before we discovered so that my friend would get the tech benefit.

                I suppose it could have just been dumb luck that I kept getting everything, but is it possible that it depends on the order in which the teamates take their turns? IOW, whoever is first or last always gets a joint-researched tech before the other teamate.


                • #9
                  if you play human team vs AI team, you can always gift the Great Person to your team mate, and vice versa.


                  • #10
                    Is there a turn order. Like if two civs research mediation and finish the same turn, who get's to found the religion?

                    In MP games, I always seem to be the loser on this one.
                    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • #11
                      at first it was who ever had the most over flow, then it got changed to RNG (someone screwed that up IMO). I think it has gone back to overflow now though.
                      You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Krill
                        at first it was who ever had the most over flow, then it got changed to RNG (someone screwed that up IMO). I think it has gone back to overflow now though.
                        What's RNG? And what happens if they have the same overflow?


                        • #13
                          RNG=random number generator, basically a coin toss.

                          as for the second, I'd assume rng again; there don't seem many decent alternatives.
                          You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                          • #14
                            If someone knows for sure, I'd appreciate it, because it would then be worth it to max the last turn in case of a tie. I'm assuming that RNG is random number generated.
                            It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                            RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O

