I tend to go worker-first and then grow to the happy cap whilst getting bronze working (obviously not beelining) and then whipping settlers out at happy +1. I do not invest in a granary right away. I'm sure Blake can demonstrate that it's suboptimal play in more ways that one.
I find that I want my city to take ~10 turns to grow back the pop I rushed off (say happy +1 is size 7. I whip for 3 pop, dropping to size 4. In a perfect world, I want it to hit size 6 10 turns later, grow to size 7 fast, and whip again) and in the meantime I'll be building other stuff - military, library, etc. Of course, if I build the granary and do some micro managing (including specialists), I could do that better than going no granary. But I'm also trying to fit in an Oracle CS sling, so my build priorities are all over the place.
My most effective rush of late was a mass catapult rush. I had a couple of axes and a spear for cover (though I did replace the spear with a WE once I got ivory online). True, Construction is not really "early." But in this particular game I had very strong early research (5 cottaged floodplains + 2 gold mines between my first 2 cities). I built only 4 cities, scraped together about 8 cats, 2 axes and 1 WE and unleashed hell. Even if you replace the WE with a spear (and I had built one), my AI target could not have stopped me. I took very light casualties and absolutely crushed him. Catapults are really powerful. If one lacks a powerful early UU (WC, Immort, Praet, etc), I think they're the way to go. Hurry to construction and punch out ~10 of them, cover with a few counter units and go bonk some heads. Adjust for level as necessary, as YMMY
I find that I want my city to take ~10 turns to grow back the pop I rushed off (say happy +1 is size 7. I whip for 3 pop, dropping to size 4. In a perfect world, I want it to hit size 6 10 turns later, grow to size 7 fast, and whip again) and in the meantime I'll be building other stuff - military, library, etc. Of course, if I build the granary and do some micro managing (including specialists), I could do that better than going no granary. But I'm also trying to fit in an Oracle CS sling, so my build priorities are all over the place.
My most effective rush of late was a mass catapult rush. I had a couple of axes and a spear for cover (though I did replace the spear with a WE once I got ivory online). True, Construction is not really "early." But in this particular game I had very strong early research (5 cottaged floodplains + 2 gold mines between my first 2 cities). I built only 4 cities, scraped together about 8 cats, 2 axes and 1 WE and unleashed hell. Even if you replace the WE with a spear (and I had built one), my AI target could not have stopped me. I took very light casualties and absolutely crushed him. Catapults are really powerful. If one lacks a powerful early UU (WC, Immort, Praet, etc), I think they're the way to go. Hurry to construction and punch out ~10 of them, cover with a few counter units and go bonk some heads. Adjust for level as necessary, as YMMY
