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Gah! The betrayals!

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  • #31
    Cities can join you if you're putting enough cultural pressure on them (your border is against their city). There are a number of factors that affect whether they will flip to you, the number of troops in the city reduces the chances and so on. The chances may be increased if the city is the same religion as your state (and the civ that owns it has a different state religion?). I'm not sure about his at all but I have it in my head that it happens. Maybe I read it somewhere and am subconsciously remembering. Or maybe I just dreamt it (this will happen if you play to much before bed...).


    • #32
      Originally posted by Saurus
      Though I am very suprised that A.I attacks so viciously at such an easy level.

      I have never myself played at any level below Noble but from what I have understood, the A.I should be pretty peaceful at the easier levels.
      as usual, it depends on how large your military is. If you let your military slide even on settler, they will attack (haven't actually tested this), but I know it happens on warlord.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Anath
        First off I'd like to point out that I am extremly new to this game and aboslutely suck so far (and playing on chieftain or whatever it's called )

        For some reason Im very horny on getting nukes but I always seem to be killed of just before I get them, SO, I was wondering. Maybe I shouldn't go for nukes and instead go for something that gave me better military strength, and if that is indeed the case what techs are generally good suited for chinese? IF there's no such thing as general ideas I will just have to study my tech tree closer

        Now it's time for breakfast and then another chinese empire shall rise.
        nukes aren't all they are cracked up to be. Research military tradition early, then stomp everything with cavalry and rifleman.


        • #34
          Just read your post Dis but thats pretty much what Ive done this last game (playing as mongolian right now). Working alot better so far.

          Wouldn't mind seeing those mushrooms sometime tho ;P


          • #35
            although I do want to try out nukes. I've never used them in an actual war. They are expensive to build. But I'd like to build like 6 of them and nuke 6 cities and conquer them with minimal effort.


            • #36
              Aaaahhh, that's what culture is for...

              I'm a builder. I don't usually take my opponent out except through the cultural conversion. Until they p*** me off one too many times...


              • #37
                I was a builder, my first two games.

                Now I just finnished slaughtering some chinese guys. After I took their capital I realised they still had cities left. So I bargained for peace, and he agreed to give me his world map. Now, I have a better idea of where EVERYONE is since my last was very limited..and of course, I know the locations to his last three cities - perhaps not the brightest move by the oh so mighty emperor..


                • #38
                  There is one way to decrease unhappiness due to overcrowding: shrink the size of the city! A straight-forward way to do this would be to starve your city until it decreases in size.

                  A better way (in my opinion) is to "whip" your citizens. That is, to use your population to rush your units and improvements. This causes some temporary unhappiness in the city (for a number of turns dependent on game speed). Also, you need to have the 'Slavery' civic selected in order to be able to 'pop rush'.

                  In general, prevention is the best medicine. Keep an eye on your city's happiness vs. unhappiness levels. Once the two values are equal, you may want to cut your food surplus in that city to prevent it from growing.
                  "Every time I have to make a tough decision, I ask myself, 'What would Tom Cruise do?' Then I jump up and down on the couch." - Neil Strauss

