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Gah! The betrayals!

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  • Gah! The betrayals!

    Okey so I just tabbed out after bribing a war to the end..

    First Ceaser attacks me from the West.. He is small but has surprisingly many troops. The battle last for ages and he pillages like a savage.. I retaliate and conquers a small city.

    Just as Im bathing in my new won city the arabs led by Saladin attacks from the east. What wasnt pillaged already got pillaged now. I pulled my troops up from the South and just finnished researching gunpowder which would turn the tide..

    With enough musketmen I managed to fight back the arabs but then I had to BRIBE him to go away. Anyway just gave him ap iece of paper but still..

    This started around 1400 and ended 1550 or something. Just curious, does this has anything to do with me being the highest score at that time? 'Cause I tried making allies and have them attacking my enemies which they did but then made peace a few turns later.

    How do I keep allies and make them attack? What can I do to prevent such pillaging? And more importantly, I lost my second biggest city which provided alot of research stuff, if I get it back will the buildings still be intact?

    Noone came to my aid and half my land was pillaged.. After hours of building this up I am ready to start nuking, but whadda ya know..aint got nukes..

    So, advices on political relations please. I -did- give both ceaser and saladin some freebies earlier so I thought they would be happy with me.. I did nothing to anger anyone and yet I was the target.

    Much grief,


  • #2
    A short hint: giving others freebies won't prevent any attacks. If other civs consider you to be weak, militarily, you're a potential target. Granted, if they like you, they'll be less likely to attack, although some AI personalities (like Caesar) can be quite the traitors. But basically, nothing except a good army can prevent you from being a target in the first place.
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


    • #3
      just be glad you weren't attacked at the same time.

      I was in a war with the russians, they offered me like 2000 gold for peace, and I refused (I wasn't done thrashing them). Next turn apparantly they offered the gold to someone else to attack me, the ottomans then declared war on me. I contacted the russians again for peace, but their gold was gone. I made peace anyways, annhilated the last 2 Ottoman cities (I had thrashed them earlier), then attacked the russians again taking all their continental cities and making them capitulate.

      I had cavalry, so it's nice to have fast units to get from one side of the empire to the other to prevent pillaging. The ottomans had nothing that could threaten me, but they could have pillaged. But I was so rich, I could upgrade my units to infantry anyways.

      I know I shouldn't, but when I'm in a war, 99% of my offensive force is on the front with that civ. I leave my back door open all the time. But I've been pretty good at predicting when and if the AI will attack. In my above case, I wasn't worried about the ottomans since they only had 2 cities. And my other neighbor was the Indians. They weren't likely to attack.

      Surprisingly, in that game the Indians provided the most challenge. The built several spearmen which interfered with my Keshik rush. I had to get some axeman to the front line to protect my Keshiks.


      • #4
        So, being a peaceloving nation with close to no army and just building stuff doesn't work out?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Anath
          So, being a peaceloving nation with close to no army and just building stuff doesn't work out?
          Unfortunately, no

          It's not something I necessarily agree with (no one goes attacking switzerland because they have no military in the real world), but it's something I have to adjust my gameplay to.

          You have to maintain a military.


          • #6
            (no one goes attacking switzerland because they have no military in the real world)

            Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
            Long live teh paranoia smiley!


            • #7
              All-right. Gonna build myself a legion of riflemen when the upgrade is there and then it's pay-back time for the Salad.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Anath
                All-right. Gonna build myself a legion of riflemen when the upgrade is there and then it's pay-back time for the Salad.
                try to get a mix of rifleman and fast troops. Do you have military tradition? It's an important tech to get early. Often the ai will attack me just before I get it, or the turn after I get it before I uprade everything to cavalry. So getting it early is important. I don't even go for guilds/knights except for the grocer improvement (and I think it opens up some techs as well).

                In fact, I still use almost exclusively fast units, with a few slow units for defense. The exception being an axeman or swordsmen rush in the early game.

                The AI loves to use grenadiers, and they will chew up your rifleman. So be careful.


                • #9
                  Thought I had to get guilds for nukes later on? may have misread.

                  Anyway, turns out my friendly nabor took alot of grounds when I lost my south city. I lost one silver mine, one gold mine and a pasture. The city remains fairly well-guarded with just a little area left where it used to be a prospering city providing like 30-40% of my science.

                  I hate arabs (in-game, not the actual arabs :P)


                  • #10
                    Just shows again on how different people play the game and how many options for everything there is.

                    I prefer the slow moving but powerful units. I have fast troops around to prevent pillaging and for rapid response but the majority of my army is catapults and swordsmen/maceman/rifleman/infantry depending on the era of the game (the exception being if I make it to modern times, modern armor and tanks replace infantry providing both speed and massive firepower).

                    Gerenadiers are mean, but easily countered with a cavalry unit since cavalry is considered mounted and not gunpowder so they usually dont give upgrades agaianst cavalry.

                    and just FYI, I'm sure this doesn't apply now, but when you pay with the options if you give conquest as the only ways of victory in a game, the AI is a lot more...mean. They'll attack even if you have the biggest military because they want to win.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Hobie819
                      and just FYI, I'm sure this doesn't apply now, but when you pay with the options if you give conquest as the only ways of victory in a game, the AI is a lot more...mean. They'll attack even if you have the biggest military because they want to win.
                      I'm fairly sure that the AI doesn't take the victory options in account at all.


                      • #12
                        Well my plan worked out fairly well. I took my city back (which was all in ruins) and killed about 2 or 3 times as many troops as I had. Riflemen > mounted troops.

                        We thereafter agreed on a truce because I didnt have the force to invade and so I felt I should save up.

                        Now Im working on nukes .. He is gonna PAY for pillaging and killing my workers.


                        • #13
                          I'd like to start a petition requiring that from this point forward Saladin shall be refered to as "the Salad."
                          "The human race would have perished long ago if its preservation had depended only on the reasoning of its members." - Rousseau
                          "Vorwärts immer, rückwärts nimmer!" - Erich Honecker
                          "If one has good arms, one will always have good friends." - Machiavelli


                          • #14
                            03:11 - 1931 AD

                            The last city of China falls under the thundering hooves of the Salad and co (tm).

                            Being 10 Turns away from electricity and thus only having fission and manhattan left untill nukeage the biggest frickin invasion happens. My defence consisted of 5-8 riflemen "packs". My attackerar had at least 30 units in his first wave. I held Neapolis for a while, but it fell. The battle of Beijing lasted a few years and even though my kill:death ratio kicked ass Beinjing fell. After the fall of Shangai he offered me truce, but I had so little left I decided to go down kicking and screaming.

                            My kicks missed his nuts and my screams were silent.

                            5 Years after Shangai fell it was over.

                            Anath of China died, 03:11 - 1931 AD


                            • #15
                              I had a similar problem when I came home from work yesterday and my wife said to me "honey, can you help me out with this war? I declared war on this guy and he was allied with this and this guy"

                              I said "ok", saved the game and hit enter to see what mess I was in...

                              next turn the wave of 30 cavalry attacked her main produciton city. she had 3 machine guns on defence.

                              That didn't work too well, reloaded the game and scouted around her cities to see what resources were available to me. To my amazement I saw a great general in a city nearby sitting there.

                              I sent it to the city, gave the guns some promotions and killed off about 12-15 cavalry, 5 more than the last try but not good enough, they still took it over.

                              I scout around more. To get the right perspective, she's on the southern edge of the map with no chance of beaing attacked in the south (except by boat but she borders all civs attacking her). She has 7-8 infantry along with 2 machine guns in each of those cities. I bang my head on the desk and move the infantry to the front lines while also discovering 3 other great generals... just sitting in her cities collecting their pension.

                              her response "I've never been good with making great generals work..." At this point I pounded my head on the desk...again. I then had 8 units in the city being attacked, sent the generals over to promote them, keeping one general back to create a military academy in the next main production city. I fend off the attackers this time but only had one infantry remaining.

                              I'm still not happy and I will save her. Obviously my goal is to not lose that city. It would be easier to just take it back but thats not my goal. Then I'm going to boost the defences of those cities, build an attacking force and go attack one civ at a time instead of the multiple front war she's trying to do.

                              Oh, did I mention she had over 2,000 gold, getting over 200 gold a turn and was BUILDING units instead of just hurrying them? Arghh... Last time I bail her out of war...

                              I think the 3 Civs were America, Cyrus and Mansa Musa. She's India (what leader I'm not sure of at this point) and playing warlord difficulty.

                              On the other hand, it might be easier to evacuate my cities on that continent and move to the terra continent. For whatever reason the AI hasn't built cities there and she controlls most of it, will control all of it if her cities grow culturally. Then build up a force and Assault from sea. I dont know, I'll try a few ways.
                              Last edited by Hobie819; October 31, 2006, 21:41.

