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Newbie; To buy or not to buy - that is the question (no..really. it is)

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  • #31
    One of the best AI built cities I've ever seen was built on grassland cows. This gave it access to about 4 other resources with high output from tile improvements. But it is a rare case. I'd never build on plains cows if I could help it.
    LandMasses Version 3 Now Available since 18/05/2008.


    • #32
      Allright.. so I just lost the game :P

      I need some serious advice on this. I tried to get some nukes, but at 1999 it was still to far away to get done (was on the manhattan project).

      What Im wondering is, naturally, how to progress more rapidly? I realise everyone is different but there has to be some things in common. As Im playing right now I just dont develop very quickly. In the beginning Im doing allright staying on top of the score board and such but as soon as it gets around 200 AD I just start dropping untill I'm Anath..the pathetic.

      So I need some general advices and tips - not asking you to give away your "I-win" button just enough to get me going :P



      • #33
        Build and work cottages.
        LandMasses Version 3 Now Available since 18/05/2008.


        • #34
          Work cottages means..?


          • #35
            After a cottage is built by a worker you need to make sure that it is being worked by a citizen in order to reap any benefit.

            Go to your city screen and make sure a citizen is working the square with a cottage on it.


            • #36
              Ah you mean making sure there's a circle around it?


              • #37
                yep. And cottages are extremely important. They generate cash and cash generates beakers that generate science. So a lot of working cottages = more science.
                I love being beaten by women - Lorizael

