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Game Speeds

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  • Game Speeds

    I've looked all over for this information but I can't seem to find it listed anywhere:

    Can anyone tell me how many total turns there are for each game speed?


  • #2
    normal, epic, marathon: 460, 660, 1200
    wouldn't have a clue on the 'fast' speeds

    This information (and more) in the file


    • #3
      Ahh, thanks much! And no, I don't care about the fast speeds either - Epic and Marathon are where it's at!


      • #4
        Being that I just got the game and havent figured everything out yet..

        If you play say marathon will the building speed of things like Units, research tech etc. be the same as Normal or will it just take longer to do the same thing?



        • #5
          It takes longer. Marathon, if I remember correctly, units take twice as many hammers as normal, while everything else (buildings, techs, population growth, border expansions) takes 3 times as much as on normal speed.
          Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


          • #6
            The big difference is that units move a lot faster (relative to the year).


            • #7
              I've been playing a game now that's going on 12 hours & there are still 10 Civs left out of 18.

              Marathon Speed, turned Time Victory off. I love long games.


              • #8
                It takes longer. Marathon, if I remember correctly, units take twice as many hammers as normal, while everything else (buildings, techs, population growth, border expansions) takes 3 times as much as on normal speed.
                This is an extremely poor thing about marathon imo.
                Actually that's a problem for any other speed than quick - units dont obsolete for too much time and you can do much more with say an early-built stack of horse archers which are all lvl4+ after some little conquest.

                The fact units get less hammer multiplier than buildings only adds up to it.
                -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                • #9
                  Dude, that's the entire idea of marathon. It's made for those people who like very long wars with lots of units that don't go obsolete.

                  That's why it's called marathon. If you don't like it, play normal. That's why it's called like that: normal


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by binTravkin

                    This is an extremely poor thing about marathon imo.
                    Actually that's a problem for any other speed than quick - units dont obsolete for too much time and you can do much more with say an early-built stack of horse archers which are all lvl4+ after some little conquest.

                    The fact units get less hammer multiplier than buildings only adds up to it.
                    EXACTLY - I don't play ANY 'fast' games, it's ridiculous when you pass right through the Middle Ages, for example, without having time to enjoy it. The longer games give the 'feel' of real history, as it slowly grinds along.

                    However, the long games also mimic history by the fact that towards the end of the game, things start happening VERY quickly, as the advance of technology multiplies upon itself.

                    Very fun stuff, I only play Marathon on huge maps although I think I played one Epic game once...
                    FOR THE VITAE!


                    • #11
                      Play a huge map on normal. Get Iron Working early on in the game, make a single swordsman, and send him walking offroad across the continent. By the time he gets to the opposite coast, swordsmen will probably be obsolete. Compound that by waiting until you get a stack of about a dozen swordsmen built before you dispatch them, and they'll almost certainly be obsolete. The idea behind Marathon is so that you have more time to make use of the units. Upgrading is expensive, but building new ones takes a lot of time. In a normal speed game, you never have a full set of modern units (for the current time period) unless you got a big influx of cash from someplace and have a small army. By the time you replace all your swordsmen with macemen, you'll have gunpowder and be building musketmen. It doesn't end until you get to Robotics and even then the game will probably be over by the time you build enough mechanized infantry to replace all your earlier troops.
                      Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


                      • #12
                        Play a huge map on normal. Get Iron Working early on in the game, make a single swordsman, and send him walking offroad across the continent. By the time he gets to the opposite coast, swordsmen will probably be obsolete. Compound that by waiting until you get a stack of about a dozen swordsmen built before you dispatch them, and they'll almost certainly be obsolete.
                        I recently played large terra/quick on monarch.
                        Took out 1AI with horse archers and 1 with HA + Cats.
                        They hardly were obsolete by the time longbowmen and crossbows were there, which is a pretty long way from horseback riding.

                        And this is true vs a human player too, you just need bigger numbers and to be more careful.

                        Last I played Epic I was able to conquer 4 AIs with horse archers alone and once my cats arrived, two more were dead meat.

                        Basically I think that all speeds except quick are much easier to win by conquest than any other victory type.
                        -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                        -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                        • #13
                          No question there, the game is certainly biased towards military solutions. I've won most of my games by spaceship, but the highest scores are achieved by military victories because you finish faster.
                          Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


                          • #14
                            Which is, I think the point that was being made about marathon being too biased towards units and a military style game. Since it is biased towards conquest at a Standard speed, making a heavier bias simply makes the game a lot easier.


                            • #15
                              I tend to win a lot of my games by diplomacy now as if you play them right you can finish earlier than you sometimes would by purely military means. It only works if you're not going to dominate before mass media and if there is a suitable friend (same religion helps and you can't let them move into second place). I just keep the friend sweet and conquer other civs. When it comes to the vote I often find that I've got the joint population for a diplo victory a reasonable time before I could achieve a domination.

