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Disappointed with the end game

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Kuciwalker

    Wasn't there a bug that meant you would always win if you launched, even if the opponent had a better ship?
    I don't think so. As far as I know it was just a % thing, and you needed to wait a number of turns to see if you had won or not.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Diadem
      And airports are extremely useful buildings. They give +1 traderoutes, which is always good, but more importantly they give the ability to airlift units. This completely changes the meaning of the words 'defence' and 'offence'. You can get units from one side of your empire to a besieged city at the other side instantaniously - saving that city.
      Indeed. In the late game I've always got an airport in my main troop producing city. It'll be churning out highly promoted troops (mostly city defenders) that I can instantly drop into the newly captured cities on another continent while my main city busting force moves on.

      I think it's funny the way the diplomacy victory works. It's my own fault for doing it but in the last two games I won by that method were won by nuclear force. Dropping about 10 or 12 nukes onto the largest cities of the largest opponent so that my population would be a large enough proportion of the worlds to win. It just doesn't seem right that I can win the diplomatic victory after diplomacy failing to such an extent.


      • #18
        Correct me if I'm wrong as I have never done a diplomacy victory, but isn't the population percentage part of the domination victory?


        • #19
          Domination requires a certain percentage of population and land.

          Diplomacy requires a certain percentage of the votes in a UN vote. The number of votes that each civ has is related to the population (one vote per citizen?). It's happened that I've got a large chunk of the population but not the landmass and may or may not have one good friend who will vote with me. Kill off some of the other civs population and you can reduce the overall votes and so lower the number of votes for you to win while your number of votes stay the same.

          I would do this if the other civs are on different continents and well defended. It means a quicker victory. It's also happened that I've had a high enough population to vote myself in without friends and without resorting to nukes.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Diadem


            Because after facism all the techs have to do with engineering, which is a shame.
            What about Mass Media? And Ecology?


            • #21
              I must say I was dissapointed with the end game of civ 4 mostly because it fails to simulate the modern warfare.

              Catapults ja cannons I can understant working like they do in Civ4 but artillery (because of the range) should be more like in civ3. Anyhow that isn't the main problem, I think what Civ4 (and Civ3, 2,1 too) really lacks is the bombarding of the factories and other buildings in the city. In Civ3, the precision strike was a good try but as you couldn't concentrate your bombings to factories and some other key buildings it was quite useless.

              Of course you could bombard the near city tiles but it would take quite long as workers can rebuild them. If you could destroy a factory or a powerplant it would reduce the productivity of a city and rebuilding it would take the recources away from building warmachines.

              So my proposal is that bombers could destroy factories and powerplants. Stealth bombers could be little more precise and could take out air defences and other specified units (and of course could destroy factories and powerplants too).

              The naval battle of the modern ages could be tweaked too but I have no ideas for it right now.
              "I am become death, the shatterer of worlds."


              • #22
                Originally posted by Diadem

                Spaceship parts are not too expensive. They are in fact so cheap that their buildtime is irrelevant. Not that they are really cheap, they are just cheap compared to the time it takes to research the techs needed for the next part. I've lost spaceraces where I built much faster then the AI, only because I had to spend 20-30 turns doing nothing because I lacked the final tech.

                Right now, whoever gets the final required tech first wins the race - unless the cap is just one or two turns, in which case the runner up might just make it. Of course there's always the odds of the AI building that final part in some backwater village, but that's AI stupidity and not part of a real spacerace

                The Spacerace should start later, and have less required techs - so that who wins it is determined by how fast you can build, and not by who gets that final tech first.
                I disagree. I think the spaceship victory represents the science victory, where the most advanced civilization demonstrates its superiority by leaving to another world. Therefore I think its justifiable to require a tech lead rather than a production predominance.

                The UN on the other hand is the builder victory (given that you get all the votes by yourself, whereas there's a diplomatic component when your empire doesn't contain the necessary population).


                • #23
                  The only time I won a Diplo victory was by exterminating the other races down to the point where I controlled the votes to be named Secretary. It was almost the same as a conquest victory, but I left a few of em alive this time.

                  Hardly the builder victory condition. I would say that the culture victory is probably the victory that tracks closest to the builder victory, although you often have to engage in some warfare and espionage at the higher levels to pull that one off.
                  "Cunnilingus and Psychiatry have brought us to this..."

                  Tony Soprano


                  • #24
                    end game .....whats that ????

                    never finish them - so they never end...

                    anti steam and proud of it

                    CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


                    • #25
                      If you don't finish the game, you don't really KNOW that you would have won. With vassal states, and especially permanent alliances the end game can be a volatile state and maintain the tension level.


                      • #26
                        End games in 4X games are notoriously boring and often become an exercise of going through the motions when the outcome had been determined many long hours ago.

                        Civ4 is highly superior to earlier versions of Civ and most other 4X games in that the pacing only gets moderately slower towards the end. I have played several games where I was leading by a lot in score, but the AI's ability to make spaceship parts quickly on Monarch and Emperor level has resulted in a game that I barely won (or lost) by just a few turns, and was exciting until the end.
                        "Cunnilingus and Psychiatry have brought us to this..."

                        Tony Soprano


                        • #27
                          I agree with MasterDave: the early game is the most fun and skilful part of the game, and my favourite. However, the pacing in Civ4 is pretty good and I don't get bored during the endgame.


                          • #28
                            The end game can be very fun when you start in the industrial age.

                            In a normal Civ4 game the civ powers are just too unbalanced at the stage of the game and that's what makes the problem, not the end game by itself.

                            When you get there you basically either have already won or lost so there's no game anymore.


                            • #29
                              Actually, I just about always turn off the 'space race' victory option... I just don't care for that one at all.. heh

