Some things I would like to see in ANY unit is the slight progression of strenth. Examples: if you have iron on a bronze req. speerman It should have a boost of strenth. point: Iron is better than bronze it holds an edge longer and doesn't break as easaly. do you get my piont? Also if you have a forge in your city you should get +1 experiance. It is called "forgeing Iron".
One Other point that was just at the back of my mind. India should have War eliphants as their UU. but thats just my oppinion.
P.S. My spelling sucks like crap. sorry.
Sorry first time poll poster. If the timer runs out can one of the moderators extend the poll to 10 days?
One Other point that was just at the back of my mind. India should have War eliphants as their UU. but thats just my oppinion.

P.S. My spelling sucks like crap. sorry.
Sorry first time poll poster. If the timer runs out can one of the moderators extend the poll to 10 days?