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Declaring War by Invasion

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  • Declaring War by Invasion

    I recently was playing Tokugawa, and I wanted to declare war on a civ that was refusing to talk. Since I couldn't declare in the diplomacy window, I decided to just invade, which the manual says is an alternate way of declaring war. But for some reason, I couldn't move my units into the enemy's territory, so I had to wait until he would talk to me, and then declare war in diplomacy. Has anyone else had this problem?

  • #2
    Not exactly.

    You can always use Alt-click on the leaders name in the lower right corner to declare war, even if the leader won't talk with you.

    Or is it CTL-click?


    • #3
      Well, often happens, that I select multiple units, and the waypoint-arrow-thingy appears, I left-click with it, but the units don't move. If I then right-click on his territory, I get the declaration question.

      But what's with the "Refuses to talk"-thing? Is surreal, Togukawa refused to talk to me for bloody 500 years! In middle ages or so, turn after turn after turn.....
      I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


      • #4
        Admiral Perry sound familiar?
        Indifference is Bliss


        • #5
          If he was Admiral Perry, he wouldn't have a problem entering Japan's land without permission...


          • #6
            You can't invade someone if you have a 10-turn peace agreement or cease-fire with them...

