I'm curious, is there any way to check what civics the AI civs are running in-game (other than knowing that Mao tends to run State Property, for instance, as it's his favorite civic)? I know in Alpha Centauri, for instance, I could infiltrate the civ and then look, but I haven't found any options in the diplomacy menu in CIV or most anywhere else I've tried to look. While I could pull up the log again and browse through, it'd be nice to have th einformation compiled in one location, and also the log isn't really an option if I didn't encounter the AI civ until after it adopted a given civic.
Also, has anyone put together a list of typical civics the AI will run, outside of their favorite civic? From what I've seen, the AI tends to run slavery as soon as it gets it, and nationhood/vasselage & theocracy if it's going into a war, but are there other differences between leaders? (besides just favorite civic) I can't say as I know of an AI ever running pacifism, for example.
I'm curious, is there any way to check what civics the AI civs are running in-game (other than knowing that Mao tends to run State Property, for instance, as it's his favorite civic)? I know in Alpha Centauri, for instance, I could infiltrate the civ and then look, but I haven't found any options in the diplomacy menu in CIV or most anywhere else I've tried to look. While I could pull up the log again and browse through, it'd be nice to have th einformation compiled in one location, and also the log isn't really an option if I didn't encounter the AI civ until after it adopted a given civic.
Also, has anyone put together a list of typical civics the AI will run, outside of their favorite civic? From what I've seen, the AI tends to run slavery as soon as it gets it, and nationhood/vasselage & theocracy if it's going into a war, but are there other differences between leaders? (besides just favorite civic) I can't say as I know of an AI ever running pacifism, for example.