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AI Civic Choices

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  • AI Civic Choices


    I'm curious, is there any way to check what civics the AI civs are running in-game (other than knowing that Mao tends to run State Property, for instance, as it's his favorite civic)? I know in Alpha Centauri, for instance, I could infiltrate the civ and then look, but I haven't found any options in the diplomacy menu in CIV or most anywhere else I've tried to look. While I could pull up the log again and browse through, it'd be nice to have th einformation compiled in one location, and also the log isn't really an option if I didn't encounter the AI civ until after it adopted a given civic.

    Also, has anyone put together a list of typical civics the AI will run, outside of their favorite civic? From what I've seen, the AI tends to run slavery as soon as it gets it, and nationhood/vasselage & theocracy if it's going into a war, but are there other differences between leaders? (besides just favorite civic) I can't say as I know of an AI ever running pacifism, for example.


  • #2
    Ehm, yeah, there is. Talk to them

    When you talk to another civ it shows the civics they are running. At the top of the screen, next to the name and nationality of the leader you are talking to.

    I'm not sure if you can see their civics if they refuse to talk to you.


    • #3
      There's some civics the AI never runs...
      Caste System [because it's just that bad]

      Then there's some they'll only run if they get to the tech before any earlier civics... but the AI will never use that research strategy, hence they never run the civic.
      State Property
      Police State (even in wartime, it's ranked lower than Universal Suffrage and usually Rep - the rep factor is why Pyramids AI wont run PS)
      Pacifism. Technically it is possible for an AI to lightbulb Philo before getting Org.Rel/Theology, I've seen it happen once. It was AI Alexander and he disbanded his army. Good going, champ.

      Then there's civics they'll pretty much only run if Spiritual because they aren't worth the anarchy...
      Hereditary Rule. Wow eh? But lots of AI's have it as favorite.

      There's a wartime Civic they'll only run in Peacetime.
      Nationhood. In war, Vassalage is always rated higher. But in peacetime Nationhood can be rated higher than BigB thanks to barracks happiness. Thus the AI will only use nationhood in peacetime, but only before getting Free Speech.

      There's some civics they love beyond all reason:
      Serfdom. Why run Slavery when you can run Serfdom? You'll have to ask the AI that...

      The Civics I havn't mentioned tend to have fairly sensible weightings and somewhat sensible usage. Also the goverment column is heavily dominanted by favorite civic so it's not so obvious that it's really screwed up.

