I lost my game manual and I don't know what I'm supposed to do (if anything) when I am told that a citizens of another nations city have revolted to my civilization. I get the message and look at the city, but it still appears to belong to the other nation. Am I supposed to do something to "push it" over the edge and get it to come to me?
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City Revolt?
If you get the message "A russian revolt is taking place in New York", just to use that as an example, all it means is the citizens there tried to revolt and it was put down. Generally that city will go through 3-5 turns of resistance, as though it had just been captured, and the garrison units there will be damaged, but that's it. If they successfully revolt, you'll get a popup asking if you want to accept them.
Normally, the first message means your culture is heavily encroaching on theirs, and it'll belong to you anyway sooner rather than later. Before much longer they'll revolt successfully, unless the other civ piles in a ton of garrison units or suddenly comes up with a massive cultural increase.Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.
That's the way it normally works, but I've seen a city try to revolt 6 times before without actually changing hands. Off the top of my head, I can't think of one that succesfully revolted on the first attempt, even once when I'd left the city ungarrisoned deliberately, hoping it would revolt because the parent culture had it so surrounded it was starving.Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.
There are only two instances that I can think of where a city will not flip on the second revolt.
The first instance is that the city is a captured city of the civilization putting the culture pressure on it and you have the option of it flipping back turned off.
The second is that you have culture flipping turned off completely."They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Ben Franklin