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This game makes me so mad

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  • This game makes me so mad

    why do I play it?

    actually I make myself mad when I make stupid mistakes, and I get my ass kicked by the ai. This is why I'm not ready for multiplayer. If I can't handle the computer, how can I handle a human player? Although... the one time I did play civ3 multiplayer I kicked the other guy's ass. He eventually logged off leaving me to win the game. But it seems to be more of a real time game. Whoever builds the most units wins. boring.

    How is getting pissed off at the game any fun? Why am I playing this game?

    But you seriously have to question any value a game can bring when you get so mad. Is it really stress relief? I seem to get more stress playing the game sometimes.

  • #2
    Well, if you play in a team MP game with a good, experienced player, you might learn a lot. But the time pressure can make it nerve-wracking.

    I get mad at times, but mostly I have a lot of fun. Don't get mad, get even. Or something like that.

    Decide which of the following you want:

    1) To learn, get better, and kick the AI's ass.
    2) To play very casually, almost sandbox style.

    If it's 1, spend some time in the strategy forum. As questions, post saves.

    If it's 2, knock the difficult down.

    grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

    The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


    • #3
      When you finally overcome what made you mad, it feels really good.
      Also, get to a lower difficulty level, realize it's cheesecake now and you learnt from those mistakes on higher level.
      It may nto be stress relief, but at least, you're forgetting your other problems while playing.
      Clash of Civilization team member
      (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
      web site and forum here on apolyton)


      • #4
        I am a regular at Rah's saturday games and also play a lot of random games in the Lobby. The Lobby games (and sometimes the Apolyton games) often are decided by early rushes of warriors or Chariots if somebody gets a horse near their capital. I have seen many great starts ruined by some aggressive 14 year old get lucky with copper or horses and shows up in 2500 BC with a stack of chariots or swordsmen saying "pwned you B@tch"or some such. I used to get very frustrated when this would happen.

        I have become more philosophic about such indignities now, and no longer start every game expecting to win. Sometimes the resources go against you, and you just start next to the aforementioned 14 year old. Of course, now (after having this done to me almost every time) when I run accross a neighbor early with my first warrior, I will almost invariably go in and try to mess up their build order, or pillage, where before I was more likely to scout their border and move on.

        In multiplayer, you are just not going to win every game, just like in Single player, when you have to restart sometimes because a map is crap or you have room for two cities before the AI blocks you off.
        "Cunnilingus and Psychiatry have brought us to this..."

        Tony Soprano


        • #5
          Who needs human players when an AI can provoke such emotion?

          While aiming for a cultural victory, I suffered an unexpected invasion from Isabella. She captured one of my three key cities - a coastal city, and the ***** then razed it. It took every gram of my frontal cortex to prevent me from ripping my computer off the desk and hurling it across the room.

          I'm pretty happy with the AI - yes, it has some odd quirks, but who doesn't. The only reason I would want a more intelligent AI is so I could form solid alliances, rather than have a pleased ally suddenly turn on me. Kind of experienced that in Alpha Centauri after achieving a surrender from a foe - they would then become your unquestioning ally.
          Voluntary Human Extinction Movement


          • #6
            Getting mad at the AI is fun. In the original Civ I was playing on the world map and had all of Eurasia/Africa and the Aztecs had North and South America. I was belching out tons of pollution but was building Hoover Dam. I got the message "Aztecs have researched electronics, Aztecs have built Hoover Dam" one turn before I was going to be finished. I felt that was a cheat and got enraged.

            I nuked every Aztec city twice and left their entire continent covered in pollution. That felt good
            Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


            • #7
              Just remember humans have the ultimate power: "Load Saved Game"
              "What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive?" Irv Kupcinet

              "It's easy to stop making mistakes. Just stop having ideas." Unknown


              • #8
                Originally posted by Garth Vader
                I got the message "Aztecs have researched electronics, Aztecs have built Hoover Dam" one turn before I was going to be finished. I felt that was a cheat and got enraged.
                The Civ 1 AI wonder-building cheat was horrendous.


                • #9
                  Dis, if you are mad at yourself because you made mistakes, try playing a bit more deliberately at the new level. (I recall you said you do well at Warlord, get clobbered at Noble not too long ago.) Also, if you get a good start, then for a few games save a lot, using names to clue you to possible turning points. When you realize a mistake crept in, go back to one of the premistake saves and try again. Remember, it is your game, your learning tool. No one is around in single player to judge how you play it, or taunt you if you get it wrong. Don't taunt yourself, have fun instead.
                  No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
                  "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


                  • #10
                    There is no substitute for human competition. The AI is just too predictable in most situations. Sometimes the humans will piss you off with a cheezy axeman or chariot rush when they luck out with a resource, but playing against four or five skilled players is far more of a rush than rolling some AI's for me.
                    "Cunnilingus and Psychiatry have brought us to this..."

                    Tony Soprano


                    • #11
                      sounds like we are the same level experince Dis

                      I just have issues connecting, wish we could get a game on

                      I have yet to try direct IP, everything else no-go
                      anti steam and proud of it

                      CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


                      • #12
                        People who get mad at games get overly emotinoally invested in them, if you expect to play against high difficulty AI or human players, you must realize that...

                        1) It's not always about skill (luck plays a huge factor)
                        2) How you play in single player is not the way you play in multiplayer with other humans whose sole intent is to win.

                        In any game thats king of the hill elimination style, like multiplayer with other humans, you can ALWAYS expect your fair share of losses.

                        People who play online FPS games are probably more in tune with winning and losing and know what to expect. Others who are become too emotionally and personally invested in "winning" think it is some mark on their ability or skill as a person, and get angry.

                        Fact is, everyone hates losing, it's the more mature people that learn and understand what LOSS really is, and what it means: Nothing.

