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Vassal question

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  • Vassal question

    I'm usually more a builder type than a war monger, and when I do go to war I go for kills. Hence, I've only had a vassal once.

    According to the manual you can demand things from your vassal. My question is simply: How?

    My vassal completely refused to talk to me for the entire duration of his vassalship. He dragged me into a war I didn't want once when someone declared on him, and he was precisely no help at all in the wars I did want.

    Suffice to say I was very happy when he finally broke free and I could kill him.

  • #2
    Your vassal refused to talk to you? I didn't think that was possible. You should be able to demand gold, gold per turn, or resources from them. The only thing they are allowed to 'refuse' is tech trading.

    That was my understanding, anyway.

    On a different note, I bought Civ on the first day it came out, and have been playing it on and off since then. Last night was the FIRST TIME I ever tried to 'strong arm' the AI into giving me tributes. I don't know why I waited that long, but I used to always try to 'make a trade' for their gold.

    Last night I said 'screw it' and used the "will you give this to a friend?" and "we demand you pay us this tribute" routine, offering up nothing in return and the AI completely rolled over to my demands.

    Now.. granted, the game I'm playing is 1500ADish and I've already won (its just a matter of hitting the enter key now), but still.... I've never before PRESSED the AI the way the AI will press YOU.

    It was actually so incredibly enlightening that I'm going to have to change my entire strategy to the game in order to encorporate it. First, because I'm no longer afraid of WARS. WARS are actually extremely beneficial, and also because if you do demand a tribute, it doesn't automatically lead you to a war. It just lowers your relationship.

    Crazy, killer stuff... Blake should write more info on things like this since Vel is apparently busy!

    Oh... and GeneralDoktor, if you're reading this.. you are a miserable player, and I'm sorry that the Warlords expansion pack totally defeated all your winning strategies.


    • #3
      You can demand things from your vassal, but Alexman has said only one item per turn (e.g., get one tech from it, wait until next turn to do it again).

      A capitulated vassal is best for getting gold/turn from. Wait a turn after they become a vassal and you can see what they are researching on the victory point list, check your F4-Resources and see what their available GPT is; it will usually be in the teens or greater. Extort or trade at this point (I prefer to trade). After several turns, you might easily be getting 50-100 gpt from your vassal.

      Since a capitulated vassal is not going to split from you unless it shrinks or grows too much, it is in your interests to defend it. I will typically trade with it, see its research rate shrink substantially, then gift it a tech, defensive if it is militarily behind nearby civs.


      • #4
        So HOW do I demand things from me vassal is he refuses to talk to me?


        • #5
          So a vassal refused to talk with you.... you're unlucky!

          it never happened to me...

          as soon, as the vassal agreement stop. destroy him...


          • #6
            If he was a vassal, he would not have had a "Refuses to Talk" in the victory point list when you rolled over it.

            Was he a vassal of yours? Did you see what he was researching, with a turns-to-completion in parentheses (white in color) in the victory point listing?


            • #7
              Of course I'm sure he was my vassal. He surrendered to me, and he automaticly went into my wars. He hated me of course, obviously. Which probably was the reason he didn't want to talk. But it was still annoying.


              • #8
                So noone knows why my vassal refused to talk to me?


                • #9
                  Honestly, no.

                  I've never had a vassal refuse to talk to me (I didn't know it was possible), but I have had a vassal refuse to give me techs or gold.


                  • #10
                    I have had a similar problem, where my (capitulating) vassal was annoyed with me and I lost the 'Time for your tribute, refusal means WAR!" option. He also started cancelling my freebies, and generally acting as if he was not my vassal, except he would still automatically go to war. I think it is a bug in the vassal system.


                    • #11
                      maybe, I've had that problem too. I just let it go a few turns and they come back to reason and you get your freebies again. If it is by design, I think it should be changed. If you tick off your vassal, too bad, they can deciede not to give you stuff and fight it out again. they are the ones who capitulated. that's my opinion.



                      • #12
                        Hmm, well, judging from your reactions it seems to be a bug that my vassal refused to talk.

                        Perhaps my war lasted less than 10 turns in its totality. So that the AI still refused to talk to me because I declared war when it surrendered, and a bug caused this to not change?

                        This is just a theory, and might be incorrect. I know my war was quite short, but I'm not quite sure if it was less than 10 turns.


                        • #13
                          Don't all people you are at war with refuse to talk for at least ten turns? Same with peace treaties (can't attack). Though I read in the manual that only if a vassal refuses a resource will war be declared. I had refusals immediately after capitulation, so I had a technical "peace treaty" for 10 more turns.

