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Situation Question: After the tech tree

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  • Situation Question: After the tech tree

    Here is my current situation (In my current game)

    Level: Noble
    UN votes: over 1400 (yes can be winner if I want)
    Tech: Future tech 10
    Map: huge
    civ: USA
    current score: 6815

    If you have all techs, how do you set your Sience/tax and Cultural?

    I think that cultural is a good option if you want to conquer the world (like I want now), because conquered city's expand fast. After Future tech 10, you can also put you sience to 0, to get lots of money.

    Btw, I've disabled Domination victory, otherwise I've already have won, but I want to try to conquer the world
    Civilization is a game where man dominate a fictive world.. woman does it for real

  • #2
    Ehm, does it matter? You've already won the game by two or three different routes. I understand wanting to play on to achieve a specific victory condition. But does it really matter what you set your slider to, at this point? It's not like you're going to loose now.

    It's like asking what is more effective against longbows: Modern Armors or Gunships. It doesn't matter, you will win anyway.


    • #3
      True, but that is not what I mean. I know that many others have a situation, that if you busy with future tech, you have to decide how to set your sience and Cultural.

      And about your question: and of course, a longbow is no match for a modern armor. A gunship is mutch less stronger. I use gunships for quickly get rid of trebuchet, or other siege weapons. Gunship can fly fast over enemy territory, there for, I have the production capicity I build them as well and let them work together with modern Armor. They also make excelent scouts on warfare if you lack fighters or bombers.
      Civilization is a game where man dominate a fictive world.. woman does it for real


      • #4
        You seem to be so far ahead of your opponents that you don't need the culture for newly conquered cities.
        LandMasses Version 3 Now Available since 18/05/2008.


        • #5
          Let's talk this out a bit.

          If you have all the techs then in the top corner of the screen there should be a beaker(Science) and a music note (culture). With all the techs, max out culture and drop science down to 0.

          To conquer the world though, just turn all your cities into unit pumps, you don't have to worry about tech anymore, I might even be tempted to switch back to slavery and force half my population into the army.

          My guess is that if you are achieving this level of domination that you should move two or maybe three difficulty levels harder.
          First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
          Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


          • #6
            My guess is that if you are achieving this level of domination that you should move two or maybe three difficulty levels harder.
            I've played the border slingshot method, and it worked realy well. I've was so smart to wait to build the forbidden city. My civ was located not on the main continent. I created a invasion army to conquer the civ in the middle of the main continent, and after I had enough city's I build the forbidden city. After that the mainance cost were low, and I could carry on conquering ohter civ's as well.

            Indeed, next time I can go up a level. How ever if your unlucky with your resources you can't win, and on higher levels you get beaten then.
            Civilization is a game where man dominate a fictive world.. woman does it for real


            • #7
              Uhh... yeah.

              I'm actually surprised anybody bothered to respond to this thread because when I first read his message my thought was EXACTLY what Diadem posted with.

              It's not exactly a question. Certainly not a very good or insightful one. I give mad props to CrazyTurtleGuy for responding with a coherent message that actually answers the OP's question and provides some insight.

              The bottom line to the question is that if you've already won, there's no need to spend any money on science, there's no need to spend any money on culture/happiness. Which means the only thing that is left is to TAX EVERYBODY so you can use the gold in order to rush buy infrastructure (which you also don't need, because you've already won), and units (which you do need in order to conquer the entire world).

              So the answer is rather clear... set all your sliders to 0%, make sure you're running US, and then just buy all the units/transports that you need in order to take over the world. As was mentioned before (I think), running slavery might not be a bad idea either, because then you can whip production out of cities when you run out of cash.

              I admire your goal of wanting an entire globe to be your color, but you are clearly playing on a difficulty level that is 2-3 steps below where you need to be playing in order to have any sort of challenge. I mean, your question was essentially "I've already won, now what?"

              The answer to that question isn't how you tweak your science/tax/culture slider. The answer is you start a new game at a more difficult level.


              • #8
                I understand what you mean! I also agree on the fact that I write down the wrong subject in what I ment. I am pretty sure that there can be situations where your reach the end of the tech tree, but your not sure of victory! At this point the question is how do you set your sience and Cultural output. For what you told us, It seems it's have something to do with how you want to win. I bet that If you can choose between winning options you've already have won. Future tech can be handy to make your people happy at war time, but for the rest the biggest thing we need is indeed money.

                for my game, that I've indeed ended with conquer victory, with score over 28100, I want to say that I did not go for just ONE big war. I take out my enemy's one or two by two. The ending year was 1953. And my home production was so good that I don't need a production in my conquered city's. some of them I use, if there realy good, but most of them I just let them build to improve the city growd. Ohh yeah, I use the following tactics for my war....

                I use heavy amour, seals and some heli's. And off course a big air force. When I conquered a city, I let one of my home citys send a mech infantry for defending, and one turn later onother one and keep using my main army for conquering citys.
                seals I use only for coastal city's. But I know it's not something that others that came here don't know.

                And hey... I learned a lot from apoyton forums!!! Im sure it improved my play, this is the first time I win at this level with such high scores. So indeed.. time for a higher level! hail CIVILIZATION!!!!
                Civilization is a game where man dominate a fictive world.. woman does it for real


                • #9
                  Cheers, and good luck on the higher levels.


                  • #10
                    Cheers, and good luck on the higher levels.
                    Thanx, I'm going to need it... on two levels higher is this a whole other ball game, I know!
                    Civilization is a game where man dominate a fictive world.. woman does it for real


                    • #11
                      feck it well done beatie. dosent matter whhat we think, ur proud of what u did and you want to proclaim it!
                      go right ahead.

                      now move up the difficulty level.


                      • #12
                        I agree with Justice. The only thing that matters is that you're having fun playing Civ! That's why the rest of us are all here, as well!

                        If my post came off dismissive, I apologize for it.

                        Good job, and don't forget to let us know how your future games progress!


                        • #13
                          Rancidlunchmeat sad:
                          Good job, and don't forget to let us know how your future games progress!
                          I will! I'm now on Monarch level... and OMG this is realy hard!!! I'm succesful managed to get the border slingshot, and my favorite first wonder (piramids) but now It's realy hard to keep up with the AI. Can't think about leading the game right now. But it's seems that my tech is going faster than anyone else....
                          Still affraid that monarch is ONE level to high yet for me... but we see...
                          Civilization is a game where man dominate a fictive world.. woman does it for real

