Something has bothered me with revolts. I'm building a theater, or a aqueduct, or something, that'd benefit the citizens. If they revolt, they pospone the completion indefinately. It's like a council meeting, where the citizens are told the new sports center will take a year to finish, and the citizens go "What! Preposterous!", run out and break something.
I wonder, if building a +happines building could have the effect of bottling up the unhappines, so to speak, so that the people would stay calm, but if you'd switch to barracks or something, they'd go bonkers, revolt, break something, kill your troops and spread the unhappines to neighbouring cities.
Mob mentality...
One thing I'd like to see, is factories and such adding % to the happines? Why?
Jobs. Great cause for unhappines is the sense of uselessnes one gets from being unemployed. Civ approach is the bread and games, drowning the reasons for unhappiness with the roar of lions, while disregarding the root causes for unhappines. Education is another thing. Health services another.
I wonder, if building a +happines building could have the effect of bottling up the unhappines, so to speak, so that the people would stay calm, but if you'd switch to barracks or something, they'd go bonkers, revolt, break something, kill your troops and spread the unhappines to neighbouring cities.
Mob mentality...
One thing I'd like to see, is factories and such adding % to the happines? Why?
Jobs. Great cause for unhappines is the sense of uselessnes one gets from being unemployed. Civ approach is the bread and games, drowning the reasons for unhappiness with the roar of lions, while disregarding the root causes for unhappines. Education is another thing. Health services another.