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I got beat by 1 GD turn

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  • I got beat by 1 GD turn

    I was playing an emperor continents/standard size and speed game. I started on an island all by myself as Hatty. I founded 4 religions using obelisks and prophets plus pacifism. Then I used Ankgor Wat to pump up my priest production. I managed to stay war free throughout the game by signing a defense pact with Cyrus. But one turn before my lat two cities turned legendary Washington won a spacerace. I am sooooooooooo pissed. I might have to replay this game.

    Here is the start of the game if you would like to try it.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Here is the end of the game.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      That's very annoying. If I've lost then I've always lost by miles. I've won by about 3 turns, but I know how vexed I get when missing a Wonder by a couple of turns, so god knows how I'd cope with such a defeat!


      • #4
        I missed out on a cultural victory once by 12 turns when a Bismarck/Victoria permanent alliance won a diplomacy victory.
        LandMasses Version 3 Now Available since 18/05/2008.


        • #5
          Did you use spies to try and slow down the rival's SS?


          • #6
            I didn't use spies for two reasons.
            1) I never got to communism and
            2) If I did use spies it would have cost me gold, gold that I was using on my culture.

            I had 5 religions in my state and I built all 5 cathedrals/etc. in my 3 culture cities. If I were to do this again I would have got my nine cities down more quickly.

            I actually built the temples in most of my cities using universal sufferage gold.

            My tech path in the beginning of the game was IMO genius.

            It went IIRC
            Start with AG Wheel
            AH, Mysticim (I found I was alone and had horses)
            Med, Priest, Writing, Poly, (GP) CoL, (Oracle) Philosophy,
            . . . (GP) Theology . . . monarchy . . .(GP GP) DR

            Those Obelisks with priests can be fun! Ran GP until I built all shrines then I changed to Artist for culture.


            • #7
              Washington got his spaceship up yesterday one turn before I won with culture... sigh


              • #8
                I've lost a spacerace once by 1 turn. Extremely vexing.


                • #9
                  yeah it's funny. I don't mind by losing by 10 or more turns. But losing by 1 or 2 turns hurts. Even though it meant you did better.


                  • #10
                    But, winning by one turn is great....
                    I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


                    • #11
                      Just for my own knowledge, how would you know if you'd won by one turn?

