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When a city grows

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  • When a city grows

    When a city grows the computer puts the new pop as it see fit.

    Is there a way I can change this, so the computer asks me where

    I want the new pop?

    My thanks in advance.

    Best regards,

  • #2
    It won't ask you, but you can doubleclick the city and set all population points where you want.
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


    • #3
      I know, but then I have to check all the cities every turn, or pay

      atention to the turn each grow, memorizing or writing.

      Best regards,


      • #4
        You can set switches to concentrate on Food, Production, Gold, GPP, or something else (I can't remember).

        That's as close as you can get. Otherwise you are stuck microing the cities.

        Tom P.


        • #5
          So I'll keep doing as I do (to go there every turn).

          Best regards,


          • #6
            every turn seems excessive. But maybe check every 5 turns or so.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Dis
              every turn seems excessive. But maybe check every 5 turns or so.
              anti steam and proud of it

              CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


              • #8
                I know one pretty good way.
                Lets say the city is about to grow, and you want it to assign the population in some way - maybe force it to not create a specialist.
                What you can do is take a worker off a good tile - one the governor can't ignore, the city will then grow and the governor puts the new worker on the free good tile. Granted you lose the yield of the good tile for 1 turn, but usually I find that to be justified to make sure it gets the placement right without me needing to go back, it only costs a couple of yield.

                I find it a whole lot easier to see when a city is about to grown rather than when it has just grown (in particular because of things like granary/no granary), so I like doing this.

                Oh there's also another thing, on the turn a city becomes happy (ie whipping expires) the governor place the new worker (or creates a specialist) BEFORE production, this means you get NOT chance to assign that worker/specialist and this can result in GPP pollution or whips getting messed up. The only way to prevent this is by leaving a good tile vacant - of course for the same reason you need to do this, there is also no loss in doing so - the good tile gets worked.
                Last edited by Blake; October 6, 2006, 05:09.


                • #9
                  scribble scribble

                  thanks for the info Blake
                  anti steam and proud of it

                  CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


                  • #10
                    Thanks, Blake.

                    That "before production" thing happened to me several times; so,

                    the less bad must be choosen.

                    Best regards,

