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First Game on Prince

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Saurus
    If you have plans of defeating the guy anyway, then this matters little. In my games, this seldom is my plan so burning cities is a problem.
    if you are not planning on annihilating a civ, i would try to make the war as expensive as possible for them without destroying so many cities that our relations are permanently ruined. this can be achieved by butchering units and dismantling infrastructure. also i would probably burn down their capitol- its only a -2 modifier to relations, and its a difficult blow to recover from.


    • #17
      how do you sabatage the enemies spaceship with spies?

      I think I may have to do this my current game. I'm behind in tech to Mansa Musa (this guy is a monster in civ4- can anyone beat this civ?), and I think he will finish the spaceship by 2050. I think I can edge him on score (by conquering smaller neighbors), but I'll lose on spaceship.

      I can't really attack him as he's got a defensive pack with Augustus who has like 50 cannons!!! This guy has an impressive army. I won't even touch the romans (who are my immediate neighbors as well). Will spies cause them to declare war on me?

      I need help trying to win this game.


      • #18
        Dis, from what I remember you can sabotage his spaceship production with your spies (chops off half their production progress) but you will need lots of gold to do anything significant. Strongly fortified cities will be the more risky; your spy being caught ("detained for questioning") will cause -1 in their opinion of you. I don't recall whether multiple spy catches bring mounting -1's.


        • #19
          Dis - there are several things you can try.

          1 - Sabotage spaceship parts but that's insanely expensive.

          2 - Get someone else to go to war with Mansa - can Augustus be turned against him?

          3 - Build your own spaceship - I am often a tech or two behind the AI in Prince spaceship games but the AI doesn't always build big spaceship parts in high production cities so it can be ovehauled if you can build things like the Docking Bay and Engine faster.

          4 - If it is just a case of slowing the AI for a few turns it would be cheaper to repeatedly sabotage his Aluminium supply with your spies. No aluminium = longer to build most spaceship parts.
          Never give an AI an even break.


          • #20
            Interesting turn of events my game. I attacked Japan to bring my score higher than Mansa's. I guess he didn't like being in second place, so he attacked the zulu's (whom I was also at war with due to a defensive pact with Japan). This negated his defensive pact with the romans. So after I wrapped up things with the japanese, I attacked. But this is proving to be quite a challenge. He is more advanced than I am, and his mech infantry are tearing me up. I took the christian holy city, but I don't think I can hold on to it. My only hope is he'll focus on military production and not finish the spaceship before 2050.


            • #21
              If you want to kill an AI's space race just get/stay at war with them and fight a defensive war, the AI will divert significant resources from the SS to military (even if they could launch before the coclusion of the war). Do all the fighting on your turf and the AI will get all the war-weariness.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Blake
                If you want to kill an AI's space race just get/stay at war with them and fight a defensive war, the AI will divert significant resources from the SS to military (even if they could launch before the coclusion of the war). Do all the fighting on your turf and the AI will get all the war-weariness.
                sounds like a plan.

                though time victories are so cheesy. I just hate losing.


                • #23
                  I agree with these methods of slowing down the space race. Some other option sfor taking out MINF. hit them with lots of artilary before sending some tanks in. Or, bombers and stealth bombers are great. or even fighters. Or, forget the artilary and build tanks with a colateral damge ability. this will start to weed aways at them. Just some thoughts.

                  My next post will deal with what I did in this situation.


                  • #24
                    beat the second game on prince

                    Ok, so it was coming down to the wire, like I mentioned, i did not go for the space race and I found out that one of my competitors would have it before me. So, I did several things. First, I got some vassals. After canceling most of my deals with others, I traded for the most part with my vassals since they will give an insane amount of gold for things. This boosted my economy. I also decided I was going the warriors path and completely forwent the space race. This allowed me to concentrate on techs with only military signifigance and not waste production on silly spaceship parts. I also cut science to give me money.

                    then, I destroyed production of the spaceship in my rivals key cities. At the same time i built a huge military. At the end of the game I had almost 70 modern armor, over 100 MINF, 35 stealth bombers, etc....this allowed my to get more vassals, and more money to sabatoge prodution. And of course upgrade the military.

                    I knew I would ru out of time before getting a conquest victoryu, but I stood a good chance at diplomacy (your vassals have to vote for you) or time. In the end I got the time victory. not the most satisfying, but hey, it's a win.

                    Each game is a little different. By the way, I as the USA for this game on Prince and SEALs rock. With a snaky continent map a large navy and the ability to do amphib assults is required. so, maybe I wiull try the germans next time? i like th panzer. and the asembly plant looks great. the american mall is nice too.



                    • #25
                      Re: beat the second game on prince

                      Originally posted by sparkyal
                      I knew I would ru out of time before getting a conquest victoryu, but I stood a good chance at diplomacy (your vassals have to vote for you) or time. In the end I got the time victory. not the most satisfying, but hey, it's a win.
                      I find that the vassals have to vote for you as Secretary-General, but they don't always vote for you for Diplo vics. I've had them abstain and even vote against me (Genghis was still pissed I had forced him to capitulate a few turns earlier.


                      • #26
                        damn vassals

                        I asked them to research medicine, which they did. But they won't trade it to me.


                        • #27
                          yeah, vassals don't like to trade techs unless they love you.

                          true about vassals and the civics of the UN. they only have to vote for you for the victory.



                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Dis
                            damn vassals

                            I asked them to research medicine, which they did. But they won't trade it to me.

