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  • March

    Is Medic needed on the March unit for it to work?

    I just assigned a Warlord to a Chariot and amongst the promotions were the +1 move and March. The idea was to create a 3-move healer that could end its turn on injured units and help heal them while they were on the move. It didn't work, though - even grouping the units together and moving them saw no healing. So do I need Medic too?

  • #2
    March only heals the unit that has the promotion. Healing other units requires Medic.
    "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
    "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
    "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


    • #3
      the units that are supposed to be healing have to stay still IIRC
      You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


      • #4
        To be more precise only units with March can heal and move at the same time. All other units have to remain stationary to heal. Medic promotions heal units faster (both the Medic itself and units in the same or adjacent tiles). Not sure if March units heal faster if moving with a Medic (and presumably end their turn in the same tile as a Medic). They should but I've never tried it.
        Never give an AI an even break.


        • #5
          So March only heals itself. Pfft. Crap promotion.


          • #6
            Indeed. I've never selected the March promotion simply because I don't see ANYTHING in it to justify wasting a promotion on. A total waste of experience, IMHO. Medics that are eligeable for the promotion tend to play a supportive role in large stacks - so if the stack needs to heal, they'll stop, and the medic stops with them. The medic, at least as I use medics, never has any occasion to benefit from March.

            It would make a lot more sense to have a promotion that allowed all the units travelling with that unit to heal while moving - it could be a really high level promotion, so that you'd not get it too easy.
            Only the most intelligent, handsome/beautiful denizens of apolyton may join the game :)


            • #7
              March units heal faster if they're with a medic - medic units still heal on the turn THEY move (they don't heal units that have moved unless the moving unit has march) - so - the tile the medic ends his turn on, benefits from "medic effect".

              When you have March units under the effect of Medic III they heal at 30% every turn in enemy territory - these units can be excellent for mopup. Typically I use march on some mounted units since with stables and some settled GG's it's relatively easy to get the 4th promotion. These units will mainly be used for 75%+ odds battles, since march is no good if the unit dies.

              March is best use as Combat III + March, rather than Combat I + Medic + March. The exception of course is redcross which lets you pick March with the first promotion, but by then you can usually use MechInf for your marching needs.

              Sometimes you might want to use aggressive spearman (phalnax, pikemen) as Combat I + Medic + March since spearmen generally have high enough odds by default and need high mobility to kill off their mobile foes...

