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Vassal Milking

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  • Vassal Milking

    There have been a few posts about the fact that your Vassals sometimes won't trade you techs but I was thinking, there are a few things I do to get the most out of my Vassals, thought it might be nice to see if anyone had any comments or other tips.

    1. Resources.

    You can demand one resource from your vassal per turn and they are obliged to give it to you or start a war with you, if they are utterly defeated this is normally a relatively safe thing to do, I've never had a vassal refuse yet. Demand all their available resources one turn at a time until they have nothing left to trade.

    2. Cash

    Once they have no resources left, you can start selling them your spare resources for money. Hell, their vassalage is costing you extra maintenance so make them pay for it. If they have no resources left to trade (and they don't, you just made sure of that in point 1) you can offer them resources and ask "What will you give me for this?" they'll normally offer all their available cash per turn. Once you sell them one resource for all their cash they'll lower their science rate to raise more cash. I've regularly got 30/40 gold for the second trade. Let them lower their research rate and then try the same thing the following turn. Repeat until you run out of spare resources and/or Vassals. Note, they see this as a fair trade, not an evil demand.

    In my last game I was getting well over 250 gold per turn from my vassals in this way which meant I could up my science rate by 10 to 20% and still be cash positive. Also you get this cash every turn, even when you are in anarchy which is nice. I think you could easily get a lot more if you worked it.

    3. Warfare

    When you go to war, your vassals go to war and depending on who they are they can be fairly effective. A well equipped vassal army can distract some of your next target's troops either to defend from their attacks, or because they launch counter-attacks against your vassals rather than against you. I've certainly had my vassals capture cities from my opponents several times.

    For this reason I tend to try and keep my Vassals up to date with military techs. The cash milking above does tend to cripple their research rate so if everyone else has a military tech and they don't I'll give it to them, that way they can keep their military up to date which helps me when I go to war. Obviously, I don't want to give them something that they can trade to my enemies, but if everyone else has it, why not. Can also give them economy techs if it'll help them boost their economies so they can afford to give me more gold for resources. You even get relationship bonuses for giving them presents.

    Also, when you are selling them resources, if you have spare copper/iron/horses or anything else that's still relevant for military units in whatever era you are in, sell them it. It makes their military more effective.

    This all assumes you aren't going to **** up and let them get over 50% your size and stop being your Vassal. Don't do that...

    4. Religion

    Fairly obvious one this, but demand they convert to your religion, slightly more chance they'll use missionaries to spread it giving you more gold in your shrine, and you get further relationship bonuses for shared religion.

    What about anyone else, got any comments/suggestions?
    Jon Miller: MikeH speaks the truth
    Jon Miller: MikeH is a shockingly revolting dolt and a masturbatory urine-reeking sideshow freak whose word is as valuable as an aging cow paddy.
    We've got both kinds

  • #2
    Damn, this was meant to go in the strategy forum.
    Jon Miller: MikeH speaks the truth
    Jon Miller: MikeH is a shockingly revolting dolt and a masturbatory urine-reeking sideshow freak whose word is as valuable as an aging cow paddy.
    We've got both kinds


    • #3
      Well since vassels are specific to Warlords, it probably is better here. If you look I think there is one other thread that has a little vassel milking in it. I don't remember which one.
      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #4
        I did have a look... Oh well.
        Jon Miller: MikeH speaks the truth
        Jon Miller: MikeH is a shockingly revolting dolt and a masturbatory urine-reeking sideshow freak whose word is as valuable as an aging cow paddy.
        We've got both kinds


        • #5
          You can demand one resource from your vassal per turn and they are obliged to give it to you or start a war with you,
          Not always - i've had capitulated vassals refuse without war breaking out so i think this only applies only to diplomatic vassals.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Standup
            Not always - i've had capitulated vassals refuse without war breaking out so i think this only applies only to diplomatic vassals.
            Actually, it applies to all vassals. Just make sure you demand just one resource per turn, and that you are not demanding anything else bundled with it.


            • #7
              Yup,you have to wait a turn for each you demand. I've actually traded with them and they still gave me plenty of money.



              • #8
                Rah, I don't think that the Strategy forum should exclude discussion about Warlords. What you're saying is that strategy discussion that includes Warlords should go in the Warlords Forum. Seeing as most regular players will have Warlords now (or soon), this policy would effectively kill the Strat forum.


                • #9
                  Yes, that's pretty much what I did with vassals. Getting 2-3 vassals and victory is at hand, unless there are another civ with vassals.

                  When I plan for Domination victory, get 2-3 vassals then wipe the rest that are on the same continent are usually faster then getting more vassals.


                  • #10
                    Re: Vassal Milking

                    Originally posted by MikeH
                    There have been a few posts about the fact that your Vassals sometimes won't trade you techs but I was thinking, there are a few things I do to get the most out of my Vassals, thought it might be nice to see if anyone had any comments or other tips.

                    1. Resources.

                    You can demand one resource from your vassal per turn and they are obliged to give it to you or start a war with you, if they are utterly defeated this is normally a relatively safe thing to do, I've never had a vassal refuse yet. Demand all their available resources one turn at a time until they have nothing left to trade.

                    2. Cash

                    Once they have no resources left, you can start selling them your spare resources for money. Hell, their vassalage is costing you extra maintenance so make them pay for it. If they have no resources left to trade (and they don't, you just made sure of that in point 1) you can offer them resources and ask "What will you give me for this?" they'll normally offer all their available cash per turn. Once you sell them one resource for all their cash they'll lower their science rate to raise more cash. I've regularly got 30/40 gold for the second trade. Let them lower their research rate and then try the same thing the following turn. Repeat until you run out of spare resources and/or Vassals. Note, they see this as a fair trade, not an evil demand.

                    In my last game I was getting well over 250 gold per turn from my vassals in this way which meant I could up my science rate by 10 to 20% and still be cash positive. Also you get this cash every turn, even when you are in anarchy which is nice. I think you could easily get a lot more if you worked it.

                    3. Warfare

                    When you go to war, your vassals go to war and depending on who they are they can be fairly effective. A well equipped vassal army can distract some of your next target's troops either to defend from their attacks, or because they launch counter-attacks against your vassals rather than against you. I've certainly had my vassals capture cities from my opponents several times.

                    For this reason I tend to try and keep my Vassals up to date with military techs. The cash milking above does tend to cripple their research rate so if everyone else has a military tech and they don't I'll give it to them, that way they can keep their military up to date which helps me when I go to war. Obviously, I don't want to give them something that they can trade to my enemies, but if everyone else has it, why not. Can also give them economy techs if it'll help them boost their economies so they can afford to give me more gold for resources. You even get relationship bonuses for giving them presents.

                    Also, when you are selling them resources, if you have spare copper/iron/horses or anything else that's still relevant for military units in whatever era you are in, sell them it. It makes their military more effective.

                    This all assumes you aren't going to **** up and let them get over 50% your size and stop being your Vassal. Don't do that...

                    4. Religion

                    Fairly obvious one this, but demand they convert to your religion, slightly more chance they'll use missionaries to spread it giving you more gold in your shrine, and you get further relationship bonuses for shared religion.

                    What about anyone else, got any comments/suggestions?
                    Great stuff,

                    I enjoyed how you outlined "HOW" to do it rather than simply this is what you do, in an overview

                    One thing I kind of wish we had in options is our tone of voice, like come to your opponent or inthis case Vassal State, but being meek or kindly, maybe that would have a more desired effectiveness rather than a mean taskmaster with a stinging whip being cracked upon the subjects now under your control

                    Just a thought is all

                    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                    • #11
                      Wasn't that in CtP? I recall it never being too useful - you were always at one of the spectrum or the other.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Kuciwalker
                        Wasn't that in CtP? I recall it never being too useful - you were always at one of the spectrum or the other.
                        I play CTP all the time, hadn't seen this before
                        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                        • #13
                          Maybe it was CtP2.


                          • #14
                            It was.
                            Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                            I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                            Also active on WePlayCiv.

