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Culture from captured wonders ?

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  • Culture from captured wonders ?

    I captured a city of my enemy.... and later declared peace. The city is mine now and slowly growing. I had a look inside to see what buildings survived and found a world wonder there. I was recieveing the bonuses from this wonder but my cultural growth in the city was not recieving the +8 or so the wonder was supposed to give the city hosting it. My population is < 5% of the city, is that why the wonder doesnt product culture for me ?

  • #2
    You never get the culture bonus from captured wonders (as it's not a wonder built by your culture)
    This space is empty... or is it?


    • #3
      Hrm. Is that in the manual somewhere or an unannounced feature ? I looked through my manual twice for that and checked the ingame pedia... couldnt find that ? Drove me crazy.... seems like something that should be right there in the book.


      • #4
        Not sure, haven't read the manual, nor have I checked the pedia
        This space is empty... or is it?


        • #5
          I'm not sure I agree with that either. i think it should give half culture. But for game balance reasons, I guess I'm okay with it.


          • #6
            If a Civilization loses a wonder, and then regains the city, do they get the culture again, or is the wonder "culture free" for the rest of the game?


            • #7
              what I hate is when they recapture a city and get their complete cultural defense bonus back instantly.


              • #8
                Yes, when a civilisation no longer controls a city their culture in that city should decline rather than remain static. This would help with the annoying tendency of cities captured from civs that you then vassalise to be culturally overwhelmed.
                Never give an AI an even break.


                • #9
                  This is a good game mechanic, otherwise having a high-culture wonder in a city would be a serious drawback during a war.


                  • #10
                    Not sure I agree with that.

                    The high culture producing building when become a strategic resouce that one would want to protect at high priority. And the enemy would consider this a high priority capture.

                    One would tend then (probably) to build the wonders in the center of their empire rather than the fringes...
                    DONT MAKE BANANA ANGRY !


                    • #11
                      Is it the same ( i believe it is) for exisiting building that convert to your UB that would provide culter.
                      Grannery to terrace example. Which kind of sucks. since you can't destroy the building to rebuild it.
                      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by rah
                        Is it the same ( i believe it is) for exisiting building that convert to your UB that would provide culter.
                        Grannery to terrace example. Which kind of sucks. since you can't destroy the building to rebuild it.
                        That's just dumb.
                        "Build Ports when possible. A port gives you extra resources, as well as an extra tile for a unit to stand on." - Infogrames


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Adagio
                          You never get the culture bonus from captured wonders (as it's not a wonder built by your culture)
                          Just reading through these threads and posts, but it would seem reasonable the adage that garnering Spoils of War (in this case Wonders) would have some influence on the new civ owner. Maybe not the original amount but a minimum of 50%.

                          In WW II, as the Germans occupied and claimed many cities, the rightful owners often hid the treasures to keep them from being confiscated by the occupying forces.

                          I am just stating it would seem reasonable if a wonder is lost two things should occur, the builder of the wonder should, SHOULD be penalized heavily across his civ for failing to properly protect a national treasure and the new owner get some sort of bonus for possessing the particular treasure.

                          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Grandpa Troll
                            I am just stating it would seem reasonable if a wonder is lost two things should occur, the builder of the wonder should, SHOULD be penalized heavily across his civ for failing to properly protect a national treasure and the new owner get some sort of bonus for possessing the particular treasure.
                            The new owner does get the bonus of the wonder, and the builder of the wonder is already penalized by losing a very important city, hurting that civ even more will just make it too hard to fight back, and if the new owner also got culture from that wonder, then keeping that city would be too easy
                            How it works now is good
                            This space is empty... or is it?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Adagio
                              You never get the culture bonus from captured wonders (as it's not a wonder built by your culture)
                              This was what i was referencing

                              I am asking, what percent do you get?


                              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

