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A war-diplomatic victory

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  • A war-diplomatic victory

    Hi all

    I just bought the game a few weeks ago (I know I'm late) and after playing a game at chieftian just to get the feeling of it and reading some of the strategies here I decided to try one of the most used strategies at noble difficult.

    I went with Rome on a Standars Marathon speed Continent map and was lucky to get a lot of floodplain inside Rome's city radius, I was in my continent alone with just Montezuma on the other end of it, so there was time to try for the slingshot which succeeded, I was amazed in seeing how fast I could do my research after that.

    I discovered the other civs (Mansa Musa, Inca (can't remember the leader name), Gandhi, Washington and Hatsheput) who were lying on the only other big continent in the map and when I was strong enough I kicked Monty out of mine, gaining the Pyramids as well.

    After many turns I got the UN, I was by far the big dog with only Washington keeping up with my tech rate and only Gandhi better than me on the military, but just 1 turn before I could rush the UN the two signed a permanent alliance (d'oh!).

    After the first UN call for victory I saw I needed both Mansa Musa's and the Incans votes in order to win (Hatsheput was voting for me, Mansa Musa for Washington/Gandhi and the Incans abstaining) but gaining both votes was impossible since Inca and Mali were worst enemies so I just thoght that diplo victory was no longer an option and decided to try for a conquest or domination victory.

    I rushed a good cavalry and granatier army and a few Galleons and Frigates and went straight for India, my first objective was to weaken my best rivals and get a foothold on that continent, I even managed to bribe Mansa Musa to declare war against Washington/Gandhi.

    I unleashed my whole army against Delhi and razed it, conquering a 2 size town the Indians had settled on the tundras in my continent as well.

    As soon as I razed Delhi the UN called for another resolution and just for the sake of it I decided to try for another diplo victory chance.

    This time Mansa Musa voted for me (he was happy we were fighting together against the evil Washington/Gandhi, he didn't care he was best pal with them just 5 turns earlier and betrayed them only to get Physics and Chemistry). This, added with the "votes" I razed from the Indian, allowed me to gain my victory (wich I must say, was the fastest I could ever manage in any Civ game winning in 1492).

    Now a question arise: Is it "correct" that the game allows diplo victory for a player who just slaugheterd a 16 size city?

    Anyway I guess I should try a Prince game next

    PS: i have the Italian version of Civ so forgive me if some units or techs are misstranslated, and also forgive me for any misspelling and grammar mistake I surely did in writing this message (the "spell check" button only gave me a blank page).

    PPS: I also must thank courdelion and Velociryx as this game was played with their tactics and strategies in my mind
    "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
    The trick is the doing something else."
    — Leonardo da Vinci
    "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
    "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio

  • #2
    Yes, that is technically correct. As a rough idea, you get as many votes in the UN as the total population of all your cities, and so do all other nations. This may well be the exact number, but I haven't sat down and counted to verify it. You need a certain proportion of the total votes in order to win a vote, which is a higher proportion on the diplomatic victory resolution than it is on all the others. Increasing your population through conquest increases the number of votes you have, while decreasing the number of votes your enemies have. It can be enough to sway matters in your favor. If you are large enough, you might have enough votes to overcome all opposition.

    In fact, somewhere buried down in this forum is a thread titled "Diplomatic victory through global thermonuclear war" or something similar, where someone won (or thought you could win, I don't remember at this point) a diplomatic victory by nuking the rest of the world down to minimal population size!
    Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.

