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Stalin and You

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  • Stalin and You

    I'd like to hear some of my fellow players' experiences with everybody's favorite genocidal dictator, Stalin.

    How did you get the Red Army up and running? How did you leverage his Industrious trait to maximum advantage - Stonehenge for borders? Metal Casting slingshot? Without Organized or Financial, how did you deal with cash flow problems?

    Did you find yourself wishing for T-34s instead of Cossaks?

  • #2
    As an AI, Stalin has not been impressive. I am not a fan of his traits, so I haven't personally selected him. How has he done for you?

    (Is this a troll for something? A lot of the leaders in this game have an ugly history side to go with their empire building.)
    No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
    "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


    • #3
      No, I'm not trying to troll and sorry if I came across that way. I just wanted some ideas about making Stalin work.

      Aggressive seems to favor military building while Industrious favors wonder building. When I've tried Stalin, I had a hard time getting an economy going.


      • #4
        Since Stalin is Industrious, you could try a specialist economy with the greater likelihood of getting the Pyramids.

        A specialist economy seems to be good for conquest so it would leverage the Aggressive trait.


        • #5
          Well if he has the old traits of Napoleon in vanilla-CivIV then I guess you'd adopt pretty much the same strategy. I can’t remember exactly how I used to play Napoleon but suspect it was something like build basic infrastructure (2-3 cities), then an army. The timing of army will, obviously depend on the location of resources.

