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Barbarians scenario

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  • Barbarians scenario

    Has anyone else tried this? I just can't seem to beat it, I've tried it about 10 times now and every single time I end up stuck in the same spot (or earlier with weak strats) and thats I get down to 1-2 civs left and they out tech my units... You just can't take cities with fortified riflemen in them, nomatter how well promoted your swordsmen are. My most successful strat so far has been to take a small number of units (swordsman, trebuchet, horse archer) and promote them highly. But I still can't take out those later cities.

  • #2
    What difficulty level are you playing at, and what size map?

    I got Warlords yesterday and although I've no idea how the starting units are supposed to defeat advanced empires, it seems easy enough on the low difficulty, small map settings that I tried it on.

    Those Trebs are awesome units early on in that Barb scenario.
    Last edited by Cort Haus; August 23, 2006, 08:07.

