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help needed casual player

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  • help needed casual player

    Good day to you all,

    I dont post here much, although i do enjoy reading posts from the regulars in the stategic tread . I can beat prince, but this is my first game of monarch. I know the subject of opening moves has been discussed extensively, however i would like your help regarding this game I'm currently playing, since i've experienced 3 or 4 false starts already. Heres an opening screenshot and the save.

    Thank you.
    Last edited by supremebob; August 7, 2006, 11:39.

  • #2
    Well, assuming you are playing Vanilla, you are Cyrus who is expansive and creative and you start with agriculture and hunting. You have a decent start that looks like it could be a production powerhouse.

    I would probably go worker first to build a camp on the deer and possibly irrigate the flood plain. Tech wise, I would probably go for mining right off the bat, and the wheel/animal husbandry for access to your immortal units

    Since you are expansive, you can chop forests with impunity. So I would probably plan on going for an early immortal rush on your most dangerous neighbor.


    • #3
      Considering this is in the warlords forum I'ld assume he's playing Warlords, and thus Charismatic and Imperialistic.

      If this be the case, we need to use this to our best advantage as well. As Charismatic you have +1 happiness, so can support bigger cities, but also get another +1 from monuments. As Imperialistic, you can produce settlers quicker.

      Get some settlers out there asap and monuments in them, or perhaps even stonehenge, let's get these up to the happiness limit asap.

      You'll want to know where horses are for immortals to start cranking those out to pound whoever pisses you off as well.
      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
      You're wierd. - Krill

      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


      • #4
        Here is what I would do with that map. Build another scout first, then a warrior to defend the capital. By then your city should be size 3. At this point I would build a worker, then a settler. After that, more settlers, a barracks for your immortal rush, or early wonders based on your early game strat.

        Technology wise, I would go for mysticism, polytheism, the wheel and then pottery. The worker should probably make a camp on the deer first, and by the time that is done, you should have pottery research done, so you should put a cottage on all three flood plains. This will get your early research moving. With three cottaged flood plains, a CS slingshot with the Oracle becomes a possibility. Otherwise, they will give your science a nice early game boost, while still growing your city quickly at 3 food each.
        "Cunnilingus and Psychiatry have brought us to this..."

        Tony Soprano


        • #5
          Move the Settler 87, and settle on turn 2.

          Build scout, while working FP and build the scout the turn you grow to size 2 (turn 9 in normal speed?)

          Then work the plains forest hill and grassland forest for a quick settler (complete turn...20? Due to run over from scout build if possible), and settle in a good area for cottaging. Or research towards either BW or AH and settle the resource if it is within range. AH is nice, as Immortals will let you easily kill an AI if it is close. When you have both cities planted I would probably build warriors adn then workers and try to improve them/get resources connected and then go to town killing something...
          You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


          • #6
            Move the Scout 4-7 (W-NW) to get a better view.
            And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


            • #7
              Thank you guys for your replies.
              I am in fact playing Warlords, sorry about lack of precision.
              Also the save was renamed with .sav format to function with upload service.
              I just got back from work and will look into it tomorrow



              • #8
                Hello again, i only wish to report my current progress so far:

                I got lucky and got a scout and the weel tech in my first to huts. Here's a bit more of the map.

                my reasearch and building were done as follows:

                archery - mining - pottery- bw - animal husbandry
                scout - archer - worker - settler

                By 2240, Bc i had my second city up and running:

                This appears to be a pretty powerful map if played properly, unfortunatly i had no horses nearby (or havent found them while exploring):

                My third city was founded quite far from my capita
                l, near Alexander's empire to get horses. He already founded Sparta near by, but because of Stonehedge coming online soon and by settling directly on rice, I tought i would have the upper hand regarding culture in the long run:

                My research progression continued:

                misticism - polyteism - priesthood - writing

                Stonehedge was completed in 1440 Bc. Pretty late if I rely on the info that I see often here:

                IMO, i did pretty good regarding workers improvements around cities, but neglected military a bit except for basic city defense.

                THIS is what happens, i guess

                I wonder, if i should have forgone horses entirely, and gone for copper south of my capital. There was also some marble nearby, but to far to be of any use. I've tough of founding a city at either of theses locations, but food is a problem in the tundras, and the costal location foregos copper:

                Here is my final score (not very flattering i know, but...)

                I would really like to hear your thoughs/ suggestions on my progress.Here is the game.

                Thank you


                • #9

                  First of all, let me preface this with the comment I am an unabashed warmonger looking at the screens only, haven't opened the save. This is meant constructive, don't take it too harsh, I'm told I have no tact.

                  The HELL with stonehenge. We need troops. Monuments aren't that expensive anyway, 1 pop poprush usually, and they'll negate that unhappiness anyway.

                  For that matter, the hell with Susa up there. Alexander was nice enough to build us a city for those horses as is. It'll take you ages to connect those. Just forget about em for now.

                  Get more archers out instead of the henge, get them outside your borders to form a picket, remove fog, and prevent barbs from ever being IN your borders to begin with. If this is hard for you, consider the wall in place of the henge.

                  Your capitol is size 3, yet you have 5 tiles improved there and none in your second city. Best to just improve what you'll and get that second city going and improved with your worker.

                  And why are you building a settler when the barbs are circling? Poprush out some units. Don't be afraid to change builds if things start going south.
                  One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                  You're wierd. - Krill

                  An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

