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How to get great generals?

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  • How to get great generals?

    I don't have the expansion yet obviously, and I've been looking for the information and surprised that I can't find it. Mentions of what they do, and strategy of what to do with them are all over the place.... but how do they come about? Specific wonders only? Or is there a new kind of city specialist too that will generate great generals?

  • #2
    You generate them by fighting. I havn't found a bar or anything showing how close you are to getting one. But the only way to get one is by combat.


    • #3
      I think I read the "bar" to determine your proximity to getting one is on the seldom-used military adviser page.
      You will soon feel the wrath of my myriad swordsmen!


      • #4
        Also, the first to discover Fascism gets a free Great General.


        • #5
          I see. So they are completely different great people. Now, for the other great people, the points generated by X source remain constant throughout the game, but the bar for how many it takes goes up with each successive GP.

          Is the "bar" for great generals a separate entity?

          Say if you've had no great people at all, it would only take a few combats, but if you've had 6 prophets and 2 engineers already, it would be higher, even if you haven't had any great generals yet? Or is the "cost" of your first great general always the same no matter how many of the other GP you've had.

          Does combat with barbarians count? Does combat that you didn't initiate count?


          • #6
            gps and ggs are completely separate-they don't influence the other.

            both require an increasing amount of points per gX

            the gg bar is on the military advisor page, it tells you x/x xp you have/need.


            • #7
              Can't believe I don't know how to spell "advisor."

              If nobody else chimes in, will check on barb combat influence tonight. Have a game running with "Raging Barbs," but no actual wars between civs yet.

              "They're everywhere!"
              You will soon feel the wrath of my myriad swordsmen!


              • #8
                I didn't know where the Great General experience bar was, so I looked in the civilopedia and it told me to look on the military advisor screen (F5). Amazing what you can find out by taking the most sensible course of action


                • #9

                  Combat vs. Barbs does not count. It's only vs. other civs. And F5 is the screen you want. Mouse over the bar and it will give you an exact number (like 50/100XP).

                  grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                  The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                  • #10
                    Thanks Arrian; I believe I read that in the manual (another "sensible course of action," Gibs, ) last night, but I'm not really the one looking for it; I just didn't feel safe telling for sure sombody who was, till I doublechecked, but now we all agree.

                    For those of us who love killing barbs, more than our fellow civs, it's too bad barb combat doesn't count. However, I've got archers running around now with five promotions from barbs and they used to only allow three, so something has changed to benefit us barb-slayers!

                    I'm inclined though to look at Great Generals, when they do pop, (where, the capital?) as icing on the cake; the way some lazy players look at GP in general. I just don't like to fight that much. ( Hmph, archtypical "Builder," hmph.) So I probably won't be checking that bar on F5 much.

                    BTW, for those of us who are barely cruising the "minimum requirements," real or implied, the F5 screen, maybe because it memory-tracks every "unit," is one of the tardiest to load. I never use the d-mn thing for anything, unless I've lost track of my last axeman to convert.
                    You will soon feel the wrath of my myriad swordsmen!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Generaldoktor
                      For those of us who love killing barbs, more than our fellow civs, it's too bad barb combat doesn't count. However, I've got archers running around now with five promotions from barbs and they used to only allow three, so something has changed to benefit us barb-slayers!
                      Are you sure you aren't playing a Charismatic leader?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Kuciwalker

                        Are you sure you aren't playing a Charismatic leader?
                        No, I'm playing Qin; Industrious and Protective, (which is different from when he used to be Financial and Industrious.) I'm going to do a thread on this whole first game experience, it was fascinating to me; I believe Qin is now the best for "Builders," especially if you like Wonders. Gandhi, formerly the best, IMHO, has been pretty much nerfed.

                        Kind of OT for here though.

                        Edit: Okay, I get it; I somehow managed to get the barracks up before Barbarola started. One of those promotions is from barracks and one I guess from protective. Cool.
                        Last edited by Generaldoktor; August 4, 2006, 18:14.
                        You will soon feel the wrath of my myriad swordsmen!


                        • #13
                          Actually 2 are from protective - Drill and City Garrison. Barracks xp still counts to the max you can get from barbs (10 xp).


                          • #14
                            Its funny to hear about the switches in leader characteristics. Qin used to be my favorite. Until I discovered the power of early cottages a couple weeks ago and that I really could expand rapidly and not sacrifice research. I can cover enough territory that I usually get all three of the wonder-building resources and industrious is no longer so important.

                            So Huyana Capac became my new favorite... I've played him for four games now and still learning some lessons (like I really need to make SURE that I get Sistine or my strategy doesn't work so well).

                            And now..... Huyana is the new Qin?

                            So is anyone Aggressive/Financial ?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by phooey73
                              So is anyone Aggressive/Financial ?
                              Ragnar! And that Viking naval ability with Berserker looks like great fun.

                              This stuff really is OT for this thread though. Start a "New Leadership" or something thread and I'll get on it.

                              (And yeah, probably naive everybody would agree with me about Qin.)

                              Edit: Can the XP from GG go to naval units?
                              Last edited by Generaldoktor; August 4, 2006, 19:10.
                              You will soon feel the wrath of my myriad swordsmen!

