Does anyone know how I start a mod or scenario directly from the desktop instead of first entering the game and them elect "load mod" or "play scenario"? I have a feeling it's a parameter either added to the exe-file, in the registry or in a ini-file (or simular)...
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Loading mod/ scenario from command line or run
I know from the C4DG that once a modded game is started, you can double-click on the save file you're returning to and it will load the mod and the save all at once without making you go through the menus and extra loading.Very handy.
I'm not sure how to load the mod immediately when first starting a game, though.
Don't know if it can help in your case but you should have a 'CivWarlordsWBSave' file for each mod in the 'PublicMaps' directory of the mod.
If you double-click on this file it should directly load the mod.
For example in the rise of rome scenario, you'll find a file named 'Rise of Rome.CivWarlordsWBSave' in the directory which is in a default install:
C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\Mods\Rise of Rome\PublicMaps
Double-click on this file and you're done.
It works fine for me.