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quick question about religion

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  • quick question about religion

    im kinda new to civ 4.. but im really enjoying it. however there's one thing i dont understand:

    the recommendations for building queues is really nice, those recommendations are often great choices.

    but im wondering why when my state religion is jewish, and i have a city with both jewish and confucianism religions, why does it recommend that i build a confucianist temple instead of a jewish one?

    wouldnt a jewish temple be a smarter choice since i have built a wonder that gives a bonus (+2 gold i think) to jewish buildings?

    how do you benefit from building a temple that isnt your state religion?


  • #2
    think its only when you go free religion it counts


    • #3
      Religions give you +1 happiness if it's your state religion, or if you're running free religion.

      Temples give you +1 happiness whatever your state religion is.


      • #4
        I agree with hexum. It makes no sence that if you are supporting 2 religons. Multiple religons cause extra happiness now, but shouldn't they cause unhappines due to the arguements.
        The video may avatar is from


        • #5
          No, it is perfectly realistic. Multiple religions exist together all over the world.

          The US is a good example itself--while Christians are the dominate religion here, even in Oklahoma where I live you can find a number of buddist temples as well as jewish and several other religions right here in the same city. This variety makes our civilians happier, as people of other faiths have the ability to worship in freedom.

          When you choose a state religion for your nation, that doesn't mean you are banning the others, It simply means that your government favors the one it chooses.

          Even the problems going on in lebenon aren't caused by the variety of religiouns that exit in that country, but instead are caused by the friction between two DIFFERNET coutnries (Israel and Lebenon) who have two different state religions. This is also modeled in the game as 2 states with different state religions have a negative modifier to diplomatic relations. But it is not the Lebonese christians and lebonese muslims fighting one another.

          By providing the opportunity for all citizens to worship in your empire, you naturally increase happines--by leaving the minority religions in your country without temples--you don't get that extra happiness.

          America is a land of many religions, but we do not have religious wars with ourselves, and that is what the game is modeling.


          • #6
            I think Free Religon should get rid of it. What I said was an example of what could happen. Maybe certain religion civic could cause unhappiness to a certain religon.
            USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
            The video may avatar is from


            • #7
              Originally posted by Will9
              I agree with hexum. It makes no sence that if you are supporting 2 religons. Multiple religons cause extra happiness now, but shouldn't they cause unhappines due to the arguements.
              I'm not sure if you are saying with or without Free Religion. I support the happiness bonus of other religions with Free Religion because the people can use which ever Religion they want. But If you are saying each city should have 1 unhappiness for every religion which isn't state religion, I agree to an extent, but I feel that is might unbalance the game a little because then you might try to avoid founding religions.


              • #8
                Re: quick question about religion

                Originally posted by hexum
                im kinda new to civ 4.. but im really enjoying it. however there's one thing i dont understand:

                the recommendations for building queues is really nice, those recommendations are often great choices.

                but im wondering why when my state religion is jewish, and i have a city with both jewish and confucianism religions, why does it recommend that i build a confucianist temple instead of a jewish one?

                wouldnt a jewish temple be a smarter choice since i have built a wonder that gives a bonus (+2 gold i think) to jewish buildings?

                how do you benefit from building a temple that isnt your state religion?


                The cathedral level buildings require a certain number of temples existing in your empire (similar to how Oxford requires a certain number of Universities in your empire). So if you have 5 cities, and need 3 temples per cathedral, building state religion temples for the 4th and 5th city gets you no increased ability to build the cathedral level.

                By building temples of multiple religions, you can unlock more of the cathedral level buildings. You can build the non-state religion temple in cities 4 and 5, pick one of the first 3 cities to build another temple in, and you'll now be able to build a second type of Cathedral.

                Obviously, if you have the Spiral Mineret, you should always build your state religion temples first (due to the extra gold it will generate. But at other times, building a non-state religion first may allow quicker access to the Cathedral level building of that religion in a different city that would benefit from the 50% culture boost.


                • #9
                  thanks everyone

                  gdgrimm -----> i think i got it now

                  each religion has its own cathedral-type building, and you need a certain amount of corresponding temples to build it!

