I think I found an undocument ( and unpleasant) feature in the whip:
It seems unhappy pop do not count to the payment of the price of
whip, but follow the destiny of the sacrificed.
Say, if a whip would cost 3 pop, and there is 1 unhappy pop, then the
whip shall cost 4 pop; if 2 unhappies the cost raises to 5.
And playing with the cultural slider doesn't change the situation.
Did you know about?
And any good solution?
Best regards,
It seems unhappy pop do not count to the payment of the price of
whip, but follow the destiny of the sacrificed.
Say, if a whip would cost 3 pop, and there is 1 unhappy pop, then the
whip shall cost 4 pop; if 2 unhappies the cost raises to 5.
And playing with the cultural slider doesn't change the situation.
Did you know about?
And any good solution?
Best regards,