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Things to do while waiting for Warlords - memory upgrade?

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  • Things to do while waiting for Warlords - memory upgrade?

    The official date of release for Warlords in my area is, according to all but one games store, today, but nobody has an actual copy to sell, and it looks like I'll have to wait till Monday to have a chance of finding one.

    One store actually reported that the official release date was NEXT friday, which either means that they're the only ones being honest, and the other stores are just conspiring to frustrate me with explanations of why they don't have it yet but should have it tomorrow all next week.... or, that one store has really screwed itself over on this one.

    So... in finding things to do while waiting, I started to think of maybe upgrading my system a bit. I know that if I were smart about it, I'd spend my money on a new graphics card, but since I'm neither smart about it, nor willing to spend quite enough money to make it worth it, I'm looking at the possibility of buying an additional 1GB of memory, which would leave me with an impressive 2GB to greet Warlords with.

    So my question is really - is it worth it? My system doesn't really NEED an upgrade; Civ4 mostly runs smoothly - but on large maps the game does tend to slow down quite a bit as it progresses. Would an additional 1GB of memory address this slowdown on larger maps? In other words, is memory typically the "bottleneck" in the system on large maps in Civ4?

    I've got an AMD Athlon 3500+ (socket 939), and my graph card is ATI Radeon 9600, memory, as it stands, 1GB (My main board supports up to 4GB).

    I'm just afraid that I'll pop in my spanking new extra 1GB, run Civ4 on a large map, and notice no difference whatsoever.... That would make me

    So opinions, ideas anyone? Should I buy more memory, or perhaps bug games stores clerks to the brink of madness with "Do you have it yet?" calls every 10 minutes?
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