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Accepting other civilization's civics

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  • Accepting other civilization's civics

    When getting into the diplomatic window, there are green and red comments by others regarding the relationship. One of them is "you refuse to accept our civic" and the other is "you select your civics very carefully". Anybody can tell what these mean? Thanks a lot!!

  • #2
    Oh, is it civilizations nor civis??~


    • #3
      Each civ has a preferred civic and a shunned civic AFAIK. If your civics are the same as the AI's preference then they like you. If your civics are their shunned civics they dislike you.

      Or it could just be that when you have their civics they like you, and when you don't have their civics then they don't like you.
      One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


      • #4
        Each Leader has their own specific favorite Civics. If you have their favorite, you get a happy bonus. If you refuse their asking you to change a civic, you get a minus.
        "Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are."
        Check out my Blog!


        • #5
          i see~~~~thank you guys~!


          • #6
            They will frequently ask you to adopt a civic that is not their preferred civic (and each leader has only one). They will dislike you the same if you refuse their preferred civic as if they asked you to adopt some other civic and you refuse, but you get a bonus for adopting their favorite civic even if they didn't ask you to.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Dauphin
              Each civ has a preferred civic and a shunned civic AFAIK. If your civics are the same as the AI's preference then they like you. If your civics are their shunned civics they dislike you.

              Or it could just be whether you have their civics they like you, and if you don't then they don't like you.
              It's each leader has his/her favorite civic, and shunned civics (govenment) were taken out in in cIV. You could consider every other civic in the civic catagory that leader's shunned civics.
              USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
              The video may avatar is from


              • #8
                Originally posted by Badtz Maru
                They will frequently ask you to adopt a civic that is not their preferred civic (and each leader has only one). They will dislike you the same if you refuse their preferred civic as if they asked you to adopt some other civic and you refuse, but you get a bonus for adopting their favorite civic even if they didn't ask you to.
                yeah, but for all the time my pace of development is faster, it is like back up. Have you ever agreed to accept the previous civic? I never done that.


                • #9
                  In other words, if you are Peter and have police state on, while Washington has Representation, he won't like you very much.


                  • #10
                    that's a pretty stupid gameplay contrivance, then.

                    what strategic, in-game reason is there for the AI to have a "preferred civic" ? why would it get angry? a human player would not care unless he had something strategic to gain from your switching civics.

                    pre-packaged preferred civics are a dumb idea. I can see how they add strategy (should I adopt civic X to appease this guy, even if I'd rather have civic Y) but it does so in a very contrived way.


                    • #11
                      It's purely to give it a more realistic sense, for example, democracies don't tend to like communists that much, and vice versa.

                      Free markets don't tend to like Mercantilisms, and vice versa.


                      • #12
                        I guess the problem here is that, in a game, the human player will stick to rationality, but in history, irrationality as an important factor.. like, even if a absolut theocratic monarch knew that changing his civic to representation & free religion would be benefiting for his "civilization", he wouldn`t do it, since he wants to stay in power and believes in whatever religion his state religion is..

                        So AI players having fav. civics is a way to make them react more "historical", less "game player like".. if ya know what I mean.


                        • #13
                          : Hay eddieeddie, and dont take this the wrong way but how many people play civ4 in China?
                          :P.S- I am not being idiotic I just want to know, cause all my asian mates that have migrated here havnt even heard of it at all, while they were staying in China.

                          Empires may come and go, but the word of God remains eternal.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Dauphin
                            Each civ has a preferred civic and a shunned civic AFAIK. If your civics are the same as the AI's preference then they like you. If your civics are their shunned civics they dislike you.

                            Or it could just be that when you have their civics they like you, and when you don't have their civics then they don't like you.
                            I recommend to anyone who has any interest or questions about CivIV to read the Civ4LeaderheadInfo.xml file. It's one of the most easy to understand of the .xml files, you don't need to know .xml to figure out just about everything in it and it's interesting to see the differences in the leaders. Go to C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Assets\XML\Civilizations if you have Civ4 installed to it's default location on C:, if you don't you know enough to find this on your own. Open Civ4LeaderHeadInfo.xml with Notepad or Wordpad or some other simple text editor that won't assume it's HTML and try to parse it for you - do this by right-clicking on Civ4LeaderHeadInfo and selecting "Open With" and then choosing what it will open in. I think it might even work in Word, but I don't have it on my computer at home to try.

                            Anyway, once you read it scroll down through and you'll see that it's laid out in an easy to manage way - you'll soon see
                            PHP Code:
                            and everything under that, until you get to LEADER_ALEXANDER. The rest after the Barbarians are in alphabetical order, but Mao is called LEADER_CHINESE_LEADER because the Chinese are crazy.

                            No "shunned" civic in CivIV. Just a preferred one, and I know from gameplay experience that they will get mad for you refusing to convert to one of their non-preferred civic...I think there's even a variable in there that determines how much that kind of refusal hurts relations, though I haven't delved too deeply into that part of the file.

                            BTW, another 2 files that're easy to understand and modify without any programming experience are CIV4GameSpeedInfo.xml and CIV4HandicapInfo.xml in C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Assets\XML\GameInfo.


                            • #15
                              It means for example that Tokugawa will always operate mercantilism when he has Banking, even if it is not the best civic he could be using under the circumstances, which prevents your cities having trade routes with his.

                              This is very annoying, especially when those are potentially good trade routes that could bring you in a lot of coins!

