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Opening screen to CIV 4

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  • Opening screen to CIV 4

    New to the game and wonderfull graphics and game play,one question though.

    Minor detail: my monitor has a native reso of 1280x1024

    once into the game I have changed the in-game reso 1280x1024 and is fine.

    the one thing that spoils it just a tad is the very good opening screen is fixed at 1024x768 leaving me with a H.border across the top and bottom any way of adjusting that to match the loaded game,as mentioned just a detail and in no way spoils the rest of the game.

  • #2
    Are you talking about the movie intro? You can disable that in your ini file. Other than that, I'm sure what you mean. I have a resolution of 1440 X 900, since I have a widescreen monitor, and the game opens up just fine.


    • #3
      Speaking of this, why do the Civ Leaders appear so glitchy?


      • #4
        What's your graphics card like and have you the latest patch?

        I've not tended to notice glitches now that I have a decent spec graphics card. The last patch also cured a few odd leader graphics issues too.
        One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dauphin
          What's your graphics card like and have you the latest patch?

          I've not tended to notice glitches now that I have a decent spec graphics card. The last patch also cured a few odd leader graphics issues too.
          Show off
          Speaking of Erith:

          "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


          • #6
            I was refering to the graphics card I bought for my old computer, not my new system.
            One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


            • #7
              I'm not sure of my graphics card specs.

              How do I find out?


              • #8
                Right click on 'My computer' go to the 'Hardware' tab, click 'Device Manager' and expand the 'Display adapters'. Should tell you the card you have and the memory spec.

                128Mb is recommended. I don't know enough about the different models of card to say which makes are better than others though.
                One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Prussia
                  Speaking of this, why do the Civ Leaders appear so itchy?

                  Scabies, crabs, typhus, gonorrhoea- the usual complaints of trench warfare and shore leave in exotic locations.

                  Happy soldiering:

                  Memoirs by the French soldiers and their allies indicate that the Polish peasants were infested with fleas, lice, and bed bugs. The peasant homes were so filthy that hundreds of cockroaches swarmed the cottages day and night. Within a few days of crossing the Niemen, several soldiers began to develop high fevers and pink rashes on their bodies. Typhus had broken out in the Grande Armée, and, because of this scourge, most soldiers would not see Moscow.

                  Typhus. Typhus has always been associated with war. Indeed, one of its many colloquial names is war fever. Zinsser (1934) stated, "Typhus had come to be the inevitable and expected companion of war and revolution; no encampment, no campaigning army, and no besieged city escaped it." Rickettsia prowazekii (da Rocha-Lima), a bacterialike organism, causes the dreadful disease. The human body louse, Pediculus humanus L., has been a scourge to humans for centuries. It transmits typhus to humans and humans return the "favor" by infecting the louse, which is also a victim of the disease, seldom surviving its attack. Typhus truly is a disease of humans and lice; no animal reservoirs are known to be involved in the disease cycle.
                  Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.

                  ...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915


                  • #10
                    How much have things improved in Poland?
                    Speaking of Erith:

                    "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Willem
                      Are you talking about the movie intro? You can disable that in your ini file. Other than that, I'm sure what you mean. I have a resolution of 1440 X 900, since I have a widescreen monitor, and the game opens up just fine.
                      Willem: sorry its taken so long to get back.

                      yes the movie intro,as you know it starts with the firaxis logo,goes into the battle screen shots panning across varios landscapes,end up with the crowning i think in Rome,so i get all that in a widescreen style with a blue border across the top of screen and one at the bottom,thus giving the effect of a full screen,but not actually the graphic,unless this is how the producers wish it to be, do you have the same thing,after the movie intro it goes on to the normal full screen option with the splash screen of options,load game,advanced etc,this i get in normal proper 1280x1024 screen with no border inset,as mentioned earlier it does not have any effect on the actuall game or performance.Mentioned was the ini file were do i find that.


                      • #12
                        Dauphin, what do I do to find the memory capabilities, what do I do to give myself more memory/and or fix it?


                        • #13
                          Erm, you probably have to buy a new card. I don't believe you can upgrade just the graphics memory.

                          To find the details of the card you have you can try doing a google search for the model number and it will probably direct you to the manufacturers website.

                          The card I bought as an upgrade cost me about €/$ 40 but they can vary in price depending on what you want. As I say, you'd have to ask someone with better computer hardware knowledge to see what's the best to get.

                          If civ is the only game that requires better graphics, best to pass the buying new card option....
                          One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by paulxv1

                            Willem: sorry its taken so long to get back.

                            yes the movie intro,as you know it starts with the firaxis logo,goes into the battle screen shots panning across varios landscapes,end up with the crowning i think in Rome,so i get all that in a widescreen style with a blue border across the top of screen and one at the bottom,thus giving the effect of a full screen,but not actually the graphic,unless this is how the producers wish it to be, do you have the same thing,after the movie intro it goes on to the normal full screen option with the splash screen of options,load game,advanced etc,this i get in normal proper 1280x1024 screen with no border inset,as mentioned earlier it does not have any effect on the actuall game or performance.Mentioned was the ini file were do i find that.
                            There's nothing you can do about the movie sizes, those are pretermined and will only run at the resolution they were created at. As for me, I don't see the intro, I have it turned off.

                            To find your ini file, look in My Documents/My Games/Civilization 4. If you have a European version, it might be called something else, config I believe.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Dauphin
                              As I say, you'd have to ask someone with better computer hardware knowledge to see what's the best to get.
                              I'd say the best card on the market right now is the GeForce 7800. But it's pricey. Here in Canada it would cost me between $500-600. And it's a PCI-E card only. The 6800 is a good choice too and costs about half of the above. That too is PCI-E only.

