I’ve got up to 665AD in my Mansa game and there are already some significant differences between it and the Shaka game. Here are some basic stats comparing the Mansa 665AD position with Shaka 710AD (3 turns later)
Cities: Mansa 5 vs Shaka 12
Science: Mansa 178 vs Shaka 135
Gold: 0 vs -6
Production: 38 vs 66
Using a basic Production/Gold/Science values of 1.5/1/1, this gives a comparative score at this stage of the game as Mansa’s 235 to Shaka’s 228 so Mansa is approximately 10% ahead if I allow for the difference in the dates.
But Shaka’s costs, despite the Ikhanda benefits are clearly going to be more of a problem so I wonder if Shaka may have acquired a hidden benefit that Mansa has yet to gain (the inherent growth of a larger number of cities.
There are a few other comparisons I can make of these snapshots
Technology Mansa leads by 3 techs (Metal Casting, Machinery and Drama). Hardly surprising given the science and financial advantage he enjoys.
Great People Mansa is far better organised in this department having acquired two GPs to Shaka’s one (excluding the free artist which were both settled). What is more, Mansa’s GP generating infrastructure is more advanced than Shaka’s with two cities generating over 20 GPP/turn. If I recall, Shaka was a little unfortunate with his GPs acquiring two Great Artists while still needing a Prophet for a shrine. Here is where Mansa’s spiritual trait comes into it’s own because it allows switching between civics. Run for a number of terms with Caste System and Pacifism and then switch to Slavery and Organised Religion for building/general population control.
Wonders Somewhat surprisingly perhaps, Mansa is ahead here also. Both had built the Great Library but Mansa has completed both the Oracle and Angkor Wat.
Religion Both have Confucianism and Taoism but Mansa has the same city as holy city for each religion. In the longer term this has huge benefit and when it comes to spreading religions will not suffer so greatly from the 3 missionary limit. At any point in time there could be missionaries in the field ready to bring in +12.6 gpt (or +18.6gpt with Wall Street.
It remains to be seen whether or not Mansa can maintain the small lead of if Shaka’s advantage in growing cities pays off over a longer term. No doubt war is on the cards soon so much might depend on how well this is played and if the strategic goals are sound. Fortunately Mansa’s macemen are likely to be a bit too strong for neighbours who have yet to acquire Longbows so I expect I will send them on the war path very soon and the city shortfall will be redressed a little. At the moment, though, Mansa looks to have a slight advantage.
Cities: Mansa 5 vs Shaka 12
Science: Mansa 178 vs Shaka 135
Gold: 0 vs -6
Production: 38 vs 66
Using a basic Production/Gold/Science values of 1.5/1/1, this gives a comparative score at this stage of the game as Mansa’s 235 to Shaka’s 228 so Mansa is approximately 10% ahead if I allow for the difference in the dates.
But Shaka’s costs, despite the Ikhanda benefits are clearly going to be more of a problem so I wonder if Shaka may have acquired a hidden benefit that Mansa has yet to gain (the inherent growth of a larger number of cities.
There are a few other comparisons I can make of these snapshots
Technology Mansa leads by 3 techs (Metal Casting, Machinery and Drama). Hardly surprising given the science and financial advantage he enjoys.
Great People Mansa is far better organised in this department having acquired two GPs to Shaka’s one (excluding the free artist which were both settled). What is more, Mansa’s GP generating infrastructure is more advanced than Shaka’s with two cities generating over 20 GPP/turn. If I recall, Shaka was a little unfortunate with his GPs acquiring two Great Artists while still needing a Prophet for a shrine. Here is where Mansa’s spiritual trait comes into it’s own because it allows switching between civics. Run for a number of terms with Caste System and Pacifism and then switch to Slavery and Organised Religion for building/general population control.
Wonders Somewhat surprisingly perhaps, Mansa is ahead here also. Both had built the Great Library but Mansa has completed both the Oracle and Angkor Wat.
Religion Both have Confucianism and Taoism but Mansa has the same city as holy city for each religion. In the longer term this has huge benefit and when it comes to spreading religions will not suffer so greatly from the 3 missionary limit. At any point in time there could be missionaries in the field ready to bring in +12.6 gpt (or +18.6gpt with Wall Street.
It remains to be seen whether or not Mansa can maintain the small lead of if Shaka’s advantage in growing cities pays off over a longer term. No doubt war is on the cards soon so much might depend on how well this is played and if the strategic goals are sound. Fortunately Mansa’s macemen are likely to be a bit too strong for neighbours who have yet to acquire Longbows so I expect I will send them on the war path very soon and the city shortfall will be redressed a little. At the moment, though, Mansa looks to have a slight advantage.