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Why all the criticism of the Celts already?

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  • Why all the criticism of the Celts already?

    The expansion pack isn't even out yet and I see people everywhere thrashing the Celts. The biggest complaint I see is how their unique unit and unique building revolve around the Guerilla I promotion. So? Whenever people look at the Vikings or the Carthaginians they envision what they could do with a coastal empire. Then when they look at the Celts they fear what would happen if they found themselves with no hills to use. Why such extreme bias?

    - I would think it far more likely to find yourself without the ability to maximize a coastal empire than to find yourself with no hills in sight. A lot of the civilizations seek a certain terrain to really boost their attributes. And for all the [at least mostly] landlocked civilizations I've had I can think of worse terrain to hope for than hills.

    - The way I understand it, when a building gives a promotion it only gives it to units eligible for said promotion. If I'm wrong then tell me and discount this. But following that logic the Gallic Warriors (their swordsmen) won't receive Guerilla I from the Celtic Dun (their city wall) - only recon, archery and gunpowder units should get the Guerilla I promotion. So giving Gallic Warriors a free Guerilla I promotion doesn't contradict their unique building, it complements it.

    - But what good is Guerilla I? For archery and gunpowder units it's hard to imagine people complaining about it as a free promotion. I think that having an almost purely offensive unit - the Gallic Warrior - get a defensive promotion is what bothers people. But a charismatic Celtic leader should find themselves handing out a few promotions if they really mean war (I mention charismatic because of the experience cost reduction). And if one of those is devoted to Guerilla II, you now have the potential of a very mobile melee offensive unit that can even seek shelter in enemy lands if needed. But the mobility is what could really be enjoyed. I see the Zulus getting praise for the Impi mobility. Mounted units always get notice for their mobility despite their lack of defensive bonuses. And no, the Guerilla promotion might not be the best, but most empires have a few hills in them. I'm sure some Gallic Warriors could put them to good use.

    - And if there are no hills at all? That's the luck of the draw we get sometimes. I don't always start coastally when I have fishing. I don't always have a lot of rivers or coast when I'm financial. But I do think Brennus has some traits that could help him endure a flat start. Spiritual has always been regarded as a flexible trait. You have to leverage it, but it's more based on your attention and strategy than terrain and such. And charismatic, while still unplayed, seems a great trait with a cost reduction for promotions and extra happiness.

    Anyway, I don't expect the Celts to be some great powerhouse either. Nor are they a civilization I'm eager to get a crack at. But I think it's a little lame how much people complain about developer decisions. Just because how they made the Celts doesn't suit your play style or isn't what you'd do doesn't mean it's a horrible decision. There's merit to be found in the majority of things if you give them a chance.
    Last edited by Bobtoad; July 13, 2006, 00:29.

  • #2
    Its not so much calling it a horrible decision, just predicting that they'll be a subpar civ (there will always be subpar civs, since they'll never make them all equally balanced).

    I'm personally just not impressed with a Guerilla promotion. Even though Carthage's bonus is based on being on the coast, I'd rather have the extra trade route. And, since Swordsmen don't normally get the Guerilla promotion, can Galics even get Guerilla II, or just Guerilla I?
    Beer is proof that God loves you and wants you to be happy - Ben Franklin


    • #3
      Yeah, I've seen a lot of posts from you here and elsewhere and I wouldn't consider you a thoughtless basher at all. Considering them subpar is very understandable. I just got a little annoyed with a few things I saw here and there. For some reason people feel a need to label something as the worst.

      Good question on the Guerilla II. I hadn't thought about that. That would certainly hamper their effectiveness.

      The inaccurate previews certainly don't help all the prerelease discussions at all. Every preview I read I can't figure out if the writer just got half the facts wrong or if they got them right and didn't realize they should explain a few things better.
      Last edited by Bobtoad; July 13, 2006, 02:33.


      • #4
        I know I made a complaint about the Celts so I'll answer.

        Hills are a common occurance. Lack of them is not an issue.

        My guess is that the Dun will give Guerilla I to units that can't usually recieve it in the same way that promoting a city attack maceman to a grenadier gives a city attack grenadier (grenadiers can't usually get City Attack I or the promotions that follow it).

        The Dun will be good for defensive units in the early game. It will be of little use to melee units, artillery units and mounted units - the main players in an incursion into enemy territory - which are not elligible for the Guerilla II promotion. In the later game all (or most) gunpowder units will be able to get the Guerilla II promotion so the Celts will be good late-mid game attackers. Tanks don't get the Guerilla II promotion either.

        Minor worry: The Dun replaces the wall which only affects pre-gunpowder units. I wonder if there is a chance that Guerilla I will only be given to pre-gunpowder units. I don't think that this scenario is likely.

        On Gallic Swordsmen:

        The main strength of the Guerilla I promotion for offensive units is that it leads to the Guerilla II promotion. I don't believe that any melee units currently in the game can get the Guerilla promotions. If this remains the case for Gallic Swordsmen then it is difficult to see them as anything other than a weak unique unit since the swordsman is designed for attacking in enemy lands. On the other hand, if they can get the Guerilla II promotion they could prove to be very strong; able to move very quickly through enemy lands. I amn't hopeful.

        This pessism is because of the Jaguar. A (slightly weakened resourceless) swordsman with a 25% bonus for defending jungle tiles. Why not give it Woodsman I promotion instead. It then has a 20% defence bonus on forest and jungle and, presumably like other melee units, can upgrade to Woodsman II which will give it a 50% bonus on the above mentioned terrain types as well as double movement. It suddenly becomes a very powerful unit. It's easy to see that combining this with not requiring iron would make it over powered but maybe the strength reduction is already enough to make up for such an advantage.

        I think that allowing Gallic Swordsmen to upgrade to Guerilla II may well make them too powerful so I won't be surprised if it's not allowed.

        Other uses that they could be put to instead, such as guarding mines and other hill top resources, aren't an optimal use of Celtic resources since a Dun promoted axeman/spearman can guard against everything as effectively as the Gallic.
        Last edited by Thedrin; July 13, 2006, 04:13.
        LandMasses Version 3 Now Available since 18/05/2008.


        • #5
          Well, can macemen-turned-grenadiers that have City Attack I train City Attack II as grenadiers? If not, then I don't see it very likely that gallic swordsmen will be able to learn Guerilla II.
          - Dregor


          • #6
            The Celts look pretty strong, IMO!

            Brennus has possibly the two strongest traits in the game (or at least two out of the top three). The dun seems strong, and if the player builds cities on hills, it can almost offer a form of ghetto protectiveness with all of it's defenders decked out in guerilla 1.

            The gallic swordsman is admittedly weak, but other than that the Celts look great!


            • #7
              Yeah, I'm actually looking forward to playing the Celts because their trait is INTERESTING. The defensive aspect is not to be underestimated I think. Taking a hilled city is already a very difficult task. Imagine taking a walled, guerrilla+defender archer defended city. I'm not sure it can be done without massive casualties.


              • #8
                The Red Cross descriptions say "Free Medic I promotion for units built in this city." But I don't recall it ever giving Medic I to my tanks or gunships. Armored and aerial units aren't eligible for Medic I. And having a City Raider macemen or Drill promoted archer upgrade to a Gunpowder unit seems different. In that case, the Macemen and the Archers were eligible for the promotion and it just carries with the unit.

                I hadn't thought of the inability to promote Gallic Warriors to Guerilla II like Louis XXIV pointed out. That would make sense in looking at existing gameplay though: gunpowder units with any Drill promotions can't upgrade them further. At least the Gallic Warriors get to keep their 6 strength and I presume +10% City Attack. I assume that because a preview stated "Gallic Warriors are identical to the Swordsmen in every respect except that the Warriors begin with the Guerilla I promotion, which gives them an added defensive bonus on hills." At this point I wouldn't be too surprised if that was entirely false haha.


                • #9
                  The unique unit isn't a big advantage, but at least it's early. The gurrillia 1 will at least be a big advantage against barbarians; archers on hills with free gurrillia 1 should be able to hold off even barbarian axemen fairly easily. I'm not sure how good it'll be against AI's, but it's cheap at least, and it's something that'll help all game. The traits are both strong as well. I don't see why they'll be a subpar race at all.


                  • #10
                    I suppose it's possible that a Celtic swordsman built in a city with duns starts with Guerilla II. That would be nothing to laugh at.


                    • #11
                      Hmmm... The primary counter to Swordsmen is Axemen.

                      A Celtic Swordsman, with Gu I, stepping up to the hill next to an enemy city, gets a defensive bonus of (I might be a little off on these figures)...

                      +25% from hill
                      +20% from Gu I

                      That pretty much counters the +50 melee the Axemen in the city will get when trying to dislodge him. In fact, I think the battle comes down to
                      Axemen 5
                      Celtic Swordsman 6 - 5% = 5.7

                      which is clearly in the favor of the Swordsman.

                      So wouldn't the use of a Celtic Swordsman alleviate some of the need for combined arms when on the attack?

                      The Swordsman would still get chewed up by Axemen if the city approach wasn't via hills ( 5 vs. 3 ). So one would still need some Axemen protection if that was the only way to approach the city, but approach via hill is usually possible, and would be doable without Axemen escorts.


                      • #12
                        Maybe I'm wrong, but I didn't think that was how the combat engine worked...

                        Axeman 5 +50% vs melee => Axeman = 7.5 always

                        GS is either 6 or 8.7 (6+45%) on hills.

                        So then it's 7.5 v 6 (no hills) or 7.5 vs 8.7 (hill defense).


                        • #13
                          And for an ordinary swordsman on a hill defending against an axeman it'd be:

                          7.5 vs. 7.5

                          Gallics are only getting a slight advantage in that area - nothing special.
                          LandMasses Version 3 Now Available since 18/05/2008.


                          • #14
                            That's a good point Thedrin, even defending on hills a Gallic is inferior to the roman UU.


                            • #15
                              Well, EVERYTHING is inferior to the roman UU, so that's not really a fair standard.

                              I'd rather have a UU that might give me some slight advantage early in the game, then something like the german panzer which could give me a bigger advantage, but only very late in the game, when the game is usually already either won or lost.

