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Finally achieved a decisive Victory at Emperor level

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  • Finally achieved a decisive Victory at Emperor level

    Dominated the world as Caesar by 1622AD. On Pangea maps with easy access to Iron, Romans are unstoppable. By 1270BC, my Praetorian army is ready to roll:

    The AI does not build big military very early. Instead, it builds 2 archers per city and focuses on grabbing territories. Because the AI has tons of bonus at Monarch+ levels, following the same strategy will lead to certain defeat. So the human player only needs to build one city or two, and then take the best cities AIs have built for you. Of course, no other Civ is better suited for this task as the Romans.

    Where Axemen have trouble knocking down Archers in cities with 40% defense bonus, Praetorians cut them down easily. You can advance with amazing speed and efficiency. By 5AD, two AI civs are already defeated:

    As you can notice in the screen shot, AIs have not researched Feudalism yet, so the Praetorians still have no effective counter units. Also, my Civ doesn't have a religion yet despite having founded the Confucianism and controlled the Buddhist holy city. The reason is that I'm still deciding with whom I should be allied with.

    By 800AD the English, who were getting dangerously ahead in tech and having hordes of Longbowmen, still got mopped up by Praetorians:

    At this point, my finance was in serious trouble. My decision was to consolidate, research toward Divine Rights, and build the Versaille. Pop-rush Courthouses in conquered cities and chop trees to build Markets seemed reasonable.

    By 1256AD, I have decided to ally with Monty instead of Alex and converted to Judaism. Monty's army was really big so defeating him would be a major pain in the butt. At the same time, Monty was more friendly disposed toward me than Alex. And finally, religion is more effective with the spiritual Monty than with the philosphical Alex. In 1250AD, I bribed Monty into attacking Alex who in turn declared war on me immediately after:

    Alex had Knights and Macemen, thus my Praetorians finally lost their superiorities in this war. But with the right promotions, they should still be able to chew through Longbowmen and Pikemen defended cities. Before launching my offensive, I needed to wait for more War Elephants, Crossbowmen, and Macemen to arrive.

    The war with Alex was a long grind. It took longer and was more costly than any previous wars. By 1508AD, he was finally defeated and confined to a size 2 city in the arctic ice. Germany would be the last opponent. I could have marched in with the force I had, but decided to consolidate again. It turned out to be an unwise choice.

    I waited until the Germans also had their Cavalries. The final war was ugly and the later finishing date severely lowered my scores. But what the heck, this was my first decisive win at the Emperor level, and I'd like to share a little bit:

  • #2
    How can I make images larger?


    • #3
      You should rather use the upload service here:

      Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
      Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
      I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


      • #4
        Nice job. I gave up on trying to crack emperor, though I may give it another try after reading your post. The romans are definitely the best civ to start with IMO. Did you do an iron working Oracle sling? Your opening strategy looks pretty close to what I have tried, but it hasn't worked out too well for me. I have tried with Japan and Romans and I always have severe finance/happiness problems after taking 4 or 5 cities. I think next time I will try massive pop rushing and try to grab monarchy ASAP. Was happiness a major problem for you early?


        • #5
          I did not use slingshots as Oracle was built by the AI. But I built the Stonehenge and was the first to discover Confucianism. The Great Prophet came just in at right time to solve my financial problems.

          I think focusing on Specialists will greatly reduce economic and financial problems. Chop trees to build, make farms to feed specialists, generate Great People to overcome the size limitations.


          • #6
            : Yo Pagan, try using the Aztecs on Emperor mode, since when you reserch "Iron Working" they can create the mighty "Jaguar Warriors". And since Aztecs are "Agressive" your Jaguar Warriors recieve a bonus "Combat" promotion, build a barracks also, and you make your Jaguar Warriors the most powerful "Melee" unit for about 20-35 turns.
            :Furthermore, since the Aztecs are also "Spiritual" they go through no Anarchy while switching between Civics. Meaning, if you research "Bureacracy", your upkeep maybe higher but you are able to build more Jaguars without having to pay for them for a while to come. And the best part? Theres no Anarchy!
            :Just last night I played a MP game online playing as the Aztecs. Although I was only playing at Noble level, the game was very challenging, not only were the guys I was playing against tough, but I put the Barbarian Level at "Raging". Well anyway, during the Ancient age, this one guy was the Romans. But the problem was that he didnt have any "Iron" in order to build any Praetorians. I saw my chance, I built Barracks in ALL my cities, and once I got 'Iron Working" I started pumping out Jaguars like Arnold Swartza****** use to pump up his muscles!!
            :The end result? I ended up dominating not only the Ancient Age, but also a little into the Medevil age using only Jaguars!!! Although once the enemy maceman started to arrive, the Jaguar faded into history. So I also upgraded my Jaguars to Maceman, and we had a war like never seen before with Maceman.
            :After Two painstaking hours, I was left with the upperhand: More Resources! Which eventually lead to a Conquest victory over the Romans, Chinese,Incans and last but not least: the barbaric tribes!

            Empires may come and go, but the word of God remains eternal.


            • #7
              It's my opinion that most Emperor games where you have neighbours are winnable through sheer stubborn warmongering - no need for a tech advantage, or army size advantage, just get a relatively well balanced force (ie elephant+axes+pults, or cavalary+grenadiers+cannons) and beat the AI down through superier tactics...

              Worker poaching (stealing the AI starting worker with your starting warrior) is very powerful and IMHO exploitive, since the AI does not react in a sensible way... it doesn't try to avoid losing the worker and doesn't bother with retribution... it's supposed to be an AI bonus but it's easy and painless to turn it into a human bonus and that kind of defeats the purpose of having AI bonuses....
              So anyway, I abstain from worker poaching unless it's part of a real invasion where I have a credible military and AI cities are going to fall.

              That aside, here's how to beat the AI in a fair fight:
              Get a solid bunch of counter units and some hard to crack stacks with lots of catapults.
              Declare war on the AI.
              If the AI is strong, let them take a city, this puts their forces against your cultural borders.
              Most of the AI units will spill out of the captured city to pillage, mop up with the counters.
              Meanwhile at least one of your big hard stacks should be entering AI territory to take a big city - the AI wont swing it's invasion force around to counter this stack - it'll instead use it's mobile forces to pillage while leaving important cities undefended and not bothering to counter-attack them...

              So in short, emperor level AI's can be quite easily beaten through superier tactics, as long as you aren't more than a whole generation of military tech behind at the START of the war... like if the best you have is cannons, and you attack an AI with Riflemen, it's okay if the AI upgrades to infantry halfway through the war, as long as the AI's initial offense has been crushed, most of the infantry will be city defenders which will just wait to die... so if you fear an AI is about to reach the next level of military, declare war on them BEFORE they upgrade, even if you feel you aren't ready for war, it's far better to kill of the bulk of their forces while you still have fair odds.

              Also note how powerful much lower tech counters can be... like:
              Cover Axemen can defend against Longbows.
              Shock Elephants beat Macemen and Knights.
              Pinch Knights beat green Grenadiers (Green = no relevant promotions)
              Pinch Cavalry defend with better than 50% odds vs green Infantry (16.5 vs 16.0)
              City Raider Cannons beat Infantry in cities.
              Machine Gunners easily beat Infantry on defense.
              Pinch Tanks beat MechInf
              Gunships beat Modern Armor

              There are more too... like Greek Phalnaxes beat Knights, the Roman Praetorian can give Grenadiers a run for their money and the Russian Cossack is obviously very powerful since it beats everything up to and including Infantry...

              So don't fear the AI just because you're a generation of military tech behind, you can usually throw together a workable counter with smart promotion use and time your wars to prune the AI's forces when the odds can work for you.

              Also the following Techline is brilliant for warmongering heavy games:

              You obviously need to fill in some gaps but on the whole you can go a long way with pure military might, greatly neglecting your science/culture in favor of the cash multipliers (markets, grocers, banks) all of which are along the warmonger path. The idea is that you can keep up in military simply by researching only half of the tech tree... the half with the military.


              • #8
                Hmmm, very enlightening post from Blake.

                I usually beeline for Liberalism and take the Cavalry route. But it appears going for Chemistry and Steel may actually be better for warmongerings.


                • #9
                  It's worth noting the hardcore steel beeline only works if you have Iron, because Crossbows, Pikes, Knights and Cannons all require Iron.

                  Without Iron, you need Macemen as a general-purpose counter unit and Cavalry for offensive punch.

