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Barbarian Cities with religion?

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  • Barbarian Cities with religion?

    How does a Barbarian city get a religion? I got a picture here, and you might not be able to see, but a nearby civilization has Hinduism, but between them there are ocean tiles.

    Here's the picture.

  • #2
    Awesome! I have never seen (or noticed, anyway) a barb city with religion. I have seen, however, how a unit passing by or through a city will occasionally coincide with the city getting that unit's religion.

    Perhaps the unit increases the chances, like a semi-missionary for cities that have no religion. Perhaps it got it from a passing galley or caravel (if my assumption is correct).


    • #3
      It also happenend to me, barbarians cities with religion, but with big and extensive ones. They also can build coliseums, temples and something like that. It happens when a barbarian city is old.
      Law protects you, protect the law.


      • #4
        Barbarians can even found religions if you give them the space.

        Bactra is an Arab city name I think though, not a Barbarian one, so it looks to me like a city that has been taken. I don't believe it is ever possible for a religion to spread from a proper civ to a barb, but a religion founded by a barb can spread to other barbs.

        I did a thread called 'My lunch with the barbarians' about such things if you look for it.


        • #5
          I did a thread called 'My lunch with the barbarians' about such things if you look for it.

          Searched but could not find. Please provide a link when you get a chance. Thank you.


          • #6
            Yup. Once I sent a missionary to a barb city just for giggles, and he couldn't spread the religion. That's a nice touch (or not so nice, depending on your PoV).
            (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
            (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
            (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


            • #7
              They could capture (if no city razing is on) a city with a religion.
              USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
              The video may avatar is from


              • #8
                Originally posted by johnmcd
                Barbarians can even found religions if you give them the space.

                Bactra is an Arab city name I think though, not a Barbarian one, so it looks to me like a city that has been taken. I don't believe it is ever possible for a religion to spread from a proper civ to a barb, but a religion founded by a barb can spread to other barbs.

                I did a thread called 'My lunch with the barbarians' about such things if you look for it.
                They didn't have any Hindu cities (the Arabs) and I can check the XML but I don't think that's one of their city names. I'll check the XML.

                Yep I was right, there is no Arab city named Bactra. However there is one called Basra, you might have been confused by that, since the names are similar, but they are different.


                • #9
                  In one of my games, my religion spread to a nearby barbarian city (it was an original barbarian city, not a conquered one). Later, that city joined me via cultural expansion (though possibly not related to the religion thing - the city was very close to my cultural borders).
                  The problem with leadership is inevitably: Who will play God?
                  - Frank Herbert


                  • #10
                    That may have been changed in a patch then, as it used to be impossible to spread it to a Barbarian city. I may need to rerun my tests.

                    I've never seen it happen though. Is Bactra Persian?


                    • #11
                      That's pretty strange, but you never know, some hostile soldiers could have been passing by and happened to spread their influence.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Martinus
                        In one of my games, my religion spread to a nearby barbarian city (it was an original barbarian city, not a conquered one). Later, that city joined me via cultural expansion (though possibly not related to the religion thing - the city was very close to my cultural borders).
                        That may have happened, it's maybe 15 tiles away from the Hindu Holy City.


                        • #13
                          In the XML it looks like Bactra is a Persian city.

