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jet fighter intercepted by simple fighter?

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  • jet fighter intercepted by simple fighter?

    Dear Colleagues,

    i would like to ask something please:
    i have seen the phainomenon,if i have managed to build the jet fighter,and the jet fighter attacks a town,a unit,an improvement,to be intercepted by a ww2 fighter.
    of course this isnt realistic;a jet fighter caanot be shoten down from a ww2 fighter!
    so,i want to make the jet fighter to repel,or defeat any attempt for interception by planes of obsolete technology.what should i edit in the xml/units/?
    any ideas please?

  • #2
    It's even less realistic for a stealth bomber to be intercepted by a WWII fighter, but it happens in the game. Forget the realism; this isn't a realistic war simulation.
    Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


    • #3
      You COULD (if you wanted to ) consider that:

      A jet fighter intercepted by a "prop" fighter is distracted enough to have to abort its mission or misses its target; and/or ...

      Just as with ground units, an obsolete unit has been upgraded but is of poorer quality, so that prop-fighter unit is actually jets with poor range/weaponry/electronics.


      • #4
        just be PO'd when it happens with a spearman
        anti steam and proud of it

        CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


        • #5
          (shrug) In war, there is a huge difference between "what shouldn't happen" and "what can't happen". A outdated plane shouldn't intercept a modern jet, but if you had a WWII style prop-plane, and put some modern missle weapons on it, then sure there's a chance he might shoot down a jet, if he happened to flying on patrol in just the right place at just the right time, and the person flying the jet made some mistakes.


          • #6
            just as likely as a arrow ending up in the big gun of a tank, and such making the tank blow up when it fires ...


            • #7
              Or a carefully placed banana by your warrior in the path that the enemy navy seal is going to pass by.....

              He trips and bonks his head....and then the warrior runs towards him and clubs him to death...
              no more turns...


              • #8

                Beware of the power of the banana


                • #9
                  Really, don't think of it as a prop plane, just think of it as a slightly less powerful jet.


                  • #10
                    i dont agree


                    i have said it many times,and i will repeat it that i personally dont agree with this non realistic point of the game.of course the game is non war game,but these features are totally unacceptable (just like the bombers that cannto sink a single galley!)
                    therefore i m greatfull to any who can help me in editing the xml and solving out this problem.


                    • #11
                      The alternative to the unrealisticness is change the illustrations for the units so they are always pictures of the most modern varient, but they carry poorer stats.

                      Alternatively, create a couple of hundred new units so everything moves in a smooth gradiation from past to present. a couple of hundred extra techs to research should start to hint at it.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by -SafaN-
                        just as likely as a arrow ending up in the big gun of a tank, and such making the tank blow up when it fires ...

                        Well, no; there's no reason you couldn't put a modern heat seeking missle onto an older plane, and if the jet moves within range, one shot can be all it takes.


                        • #13
                          a jet fighter caanot be shoten down from a ww2 fighter!
                          It is entirely possible, and I rather think it actually happened during WWII. Granted, the German jet fighters were first-generation jets, but it's possible.

                          The best advice was given by Quillan: don't sweat stuff like this. CIV is a great game, but if you get too caught up in "realism" you're going to have problems enjoying it.

                          grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                          The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                          • #14
                            If the ability for a prop plane to shoot down a jet was taken away it would make a jet vs. jet battle unfair. The combat system was made for units the same strength to have even odds, or if one unit is 5 points weaker for that unit to still have a chance. Therefore a unit 20 points weaker would still have a small chance.
                            USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
                            The video may avatar is from


                            • #15
                              It's baffling how upset people get about these things, and how sure they are that "it could never happen." All sorts of crazy things happen in war, maybe:

                              1. There was a technical malfunction in the missile system and the jet blew itself up.
                              2. The pilot was incredibly over confident, pulled some show-off acrobatics, passed out from the G-force and crashed.
                              3. The older plane was disguised as a non-military plane and shot down the jet while it was unprepared.

                              It's always seemed that the "it’s not realistic" argument is typically motivated by (1) just being annoyed that you lost, (2) wanting one obvious and easy strategy for military victory combined with a general overestimation of the importance of technology in warfare.

                              Honestly I think Civ4 has gone too far in making superior technology a trump; I liked the Civ3 balance a bit more.

