(he never built anything)
Would the modern nation state known as "India" be considered a noun?
as defined by Warlords
As defined by Civ IV, the "personality" of a leader is modeled directly on the personal beliefs of that leader, not what happened during their reign.
Alexander, for example, was a man who believed very firmly in the idea that Mesopotamia should be the center of a new multicultural civilization incorporating all the elements of the classical world while also being extremely aggressive in his desire to rule other empires through force of arms. Thus, Civ IV gave us a leader with two contrasting extremes which seem to represent both his philosophical idealism concerning a multicultural Eden as well as his aggressive and militarist need for conquest to accomplish these ends.
So, if we are going to say that Stalin was a regular Julius Caesar or Napoleon Bonaparte only because his action during his reign can be interpreted as the game benefits of being charismatic, then we must also assume that Asoka was a brutal, soulless warmonger who could be identified with aggressive because he propagated wars during his early reign as a solution to his problems.