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Minor modifications

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  • Minor modifications

    Hello everyone,

    Forgive me if this is covered elsewhere, but I have decided to go in and change some things in my CIV XML files and wanted to know if there was a general post with easy "fixes" or modifications that can be done in XML and where they might be located?

    I'm planning to make some changes to the barbarian vs. AI penalty, but were there others out there that wouldn't be hard?

    Also, what is the potential risk involved in changing something more major (I.E. Changing Alexander from Aggressive to Organized just by changing the part that says his civ trait is AGGRESSIVE to ORGANIZED?)

    Any advice or pointing in the proper direction would be appreciated and if there is no compilation of such changes then perhaps this thread could become a gathering of things people have changed in their games.

    "The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn."


  • #2
    Two things to lead off discussion...

    In the Assets/XML/GameInfo/ folder there is a "Handicap Info" file where one can find the various AI/Player vs. Barbarian battle adjustments.

    In the Assets/XML/Units/ folder you can open the Unit Infos file to alter things about specific units...

    For example in my game I'm dramatically increasing the withdraw percentage of the seige weapon units (+50% or more possibly even to 100%), but lowering their power. Realistically artillery was never in direct combat unless it was attacked... it's combat value was in that it was unable to be attacked directly namely because of the masses of troops separating the enemy from it.

    Anyway, just two thoughts of my own of things that seem that they could be changed easilly enough.
    "The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn."



    • #3
      Another thing that can be changed easily is the "Leaderhead Info" file in the assets/xml/civilizations. With it I have made arguably the worst civ (Napoleon's French) into a much better option by changing his "Aggressive" trait to "Philosophical"

      Also, I have discovered that if you copy the modified file into the "CustomAssets" folder the game reads that directory before the standard "Assets" directory and it's changed files override any other files. Very nicely thought out by Firaxis if I might say.

      Were there any other changes people considered making? I'm VERY interested in lowering the occurence of desert tiles. they are FAR too prevalent especially one in the "one tile" variety. If it were localized that would be one thing, but they just pop up anywhere and it's quite annoying. Thoughts?

      Finally, should this post be moved to the Creation & Files section? I wasn't sure where to post it when I did...
      "The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn."



      • #4
        Re: Minor modifications

        Originally posted by Feyd
        Hello everyone,

        Forgive me if this is covered elsewhere, but I have decided to go in and change some things in my CIV XML files and wanted to know if there was a general post with easy "fixes" or modifications that can be done in XML and where they might be located?

        I'm planning to make some changes to the barbarian vs. AI penalty, but were there others out there that wouldn't be hard?

        Also, what is the potential risk involved in changing something more major (I.E. Changing Alexander from Aggressive to Organized just by changing the part that says his civ trait is AGGRESSIVE to ORGANIZED?)

        Any advice or pointing in the proper direction would be appreciated and if there is no compilation of such changes then perhaps this thread could become a gathering of things people have changed in their games.

        Hmmm, First, if you need future help with Modding, check out the Creations and Mod Forum, I know there are some people there which could help you alot more, but Barbarian vs AI, should be under XML/GameInfo/Civ4Handicap... Find the level you wish to edit, and there you go, (I think) The best way to figure out this stuff is to experiment...

        Now, to change Alex, go XML/Civilizations/LeaderheadInfos Find Alex, scroll down to traits, you will see Aggresive and Phil. I suggest copying the Organized trait from some other leader and pasting it over, so you are less likely to make a mistake.
        "Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are."
        Check out my Blog!


        • #5
          I play at Noble difficulty. Here is what I have done in my CustomAssets HandicapInfo.xml.

          I set the following to zero: iAnimalBonus (at Noble normally -40), iBarbarianBonus (-10), iAIAnimalBonus (-70) & iAIBarbarianBonus (-40). I also set iFreeWinsVsBarbs (2) to zero. By zeroing these out, you are putting barbs on an equal footing with other civs, and also getting "proper" experience when you are successfull in killing them.

          I have also recently realized (thanks to Blake in the "The AI cheats on Noble, correct?" thread), that the player pays only half as much as the AI for unit maintenance at Noble! No wonder AI armies are weak!
          So I increased iUnitcostPercent to 100 (from 50). Should counteract some of the affects of eliminating AI advantages vs. barbs in the early game, and make things more interesting later.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jaybe
            I play at Noble difficulty. Here is what I have done in my CustomAssets HandicapInfo.xml.

            I set the following to zero: iAnimalBonus (at Noble normally -40), iBarbarianBonus (-10), iAIAnimalBonus (-70) & iAIBarbarianBonus (-40). I also set iFreeWinsVsBarbs (2) to zero. By zeroing these out, you are putting barbs on an equal footing with other civs, and also getting "proper" experience when you are successfull in killing them.
            Do you mean higher than 10 xp or just a good fight? I considered changing the 10 xp cap for barbarian units but really even I have my limits. Be the first to Astronomy on a Terra map and you could have a large Level 6 or higher force in no time (since there is always a huge barbarian population on the alternate continent by that time).

            One thing I was thinking of modifying was gunpowder units. Giving bonuses vs. non-gunpowder units at varying degrees perhaps...

            Musketeers (+50% vs. Melee, +50% vs. Archers)
            Riflemen (+100% vs. Melee, +100% vs. Archers)
            Grenadiers (+150% vs. Melee, +50% vs. Archers)
            Everything later = +500% vs. melee and archers

            A tank with +500% vs. melee and archers has 0.00% chance of being even THREATENED by non-gunpowder units I would think...

            Longbowman (str 6)
            Defending Hilltop city (+50%)
            City Defense III bonus and fortification (+125%)
            Legendary Culture (+100%)
            First strike bonus? [not sure how this affects defense] (25%)

            There we have a +300% boost to the 6 strength longbowman placing him at 18.00 strength. Now let's consider our tank.

            Tank (28 str)
            Level 1/Green
            +500% vs. Archers

            28 * 5 = 140.00

            140.00 vs. 18.00

            An alternate (and I think incorrect but I could be wrong) approach is to add each bonus before adding the next. This would make our Longbowman raise dramatically in power to 28.125, but still...

            140.00 vs. 28.125 = Dead Longbowman

            Think that would solve the "spearman or archer vs. tank" problems? The only flaw comes with horse. You can't just give a +500% bonus to gunpowder units vs. horse without invalidating calvary... any thoughts?

            "The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn."



            • #7
              Do you mean higher than 10 xp or just a good fight?

              No, I don't modify the 10 XP cap vs. barbs.

              I think your suggested changes are excessive. Great for fun (if you are ahead in tech), but if you were behind and at war you would be in very deep doodoo.

              War is about more than just advanced weaponry. It also has to do with strategy, tactics, local intelligence below the level covered in the game, and outsmarting the enemy. By making your changes, you eliminate the last three and mabye others I haven't mentioned. But, by all means, make your changes and see what YOU think of it.


              • #8
                How do changes like this effect multiplayer? It wouldn't be possible right?


                • #9
                  I would have no idea, VA.
                  Of multiplayer, I know nothing. Particularly how (or if) CustomAssets can be shared.

