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Earth map help

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  • Earth map help

    And if you guys know any good earth maps out there, post a link please.

    Okay it seems to me europe is the best land. Hey, we want it to be realistic, don't we?. So I guess I can't complain.

    But it's damn hard to win with the Asian civs. I was getting my ass beat pretty hard playing china. Perhaps I should have wiped out the Mongols early, but I didn't want to deal with the barbarians if I had done this.

    The tough part about this map is competing with germany. This map is easy as cake when you play as germany . Although I actually was closing the score gap with germany. But I knew soon as they got navigation, they would have settled more cities and jumped up again. I've played this map enough times to know how well germany does on this map.

    but I really love earth maps. I can't explain why. I just love them.

  • #2
    I haven't played on an Earth Map in Civ IV yet... I used to play that map all the time in Civ1+2
    This space is empty... or is it?


    • #3
      I tried the 18 civ Earth map as the Inca, and man, do they ever get hosed!! They start in a crappy narrow strip of deserts and plains, locked in by a solid wall of mountains. You need sailing and a galley just to make a second city! Blech.

      I haven't tried that map again since. I guess I just prefer the unpredictability of randomly generated maps.
      "Cunnilingus and Psychiatry have brought us to this..."

      Tony Soprano


      • #4
        What did you expect as the Inca. .


        • #5
          I played the Earth scenario (4000bc) as China and thought their position ROCKED. I didn't play with all the civs, though, so the New World was empty but for barbs. Which was fun, since I took the whole thing over.

          I tried as the Americans, but shot for the moon & missed (screwed up the Oracle CS slingshot, due to founding 4 !! cities prior to starting the Oracle, and researching techs I shouldn't have prior to CoL). I intend to try them again. There's potential there.

          Europe strikes me as far too cramped. I like to be able to expand peaceably before the knives come out.

          grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

          The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


          • #6
            I don't think you realize just how BAD the Inca start on the 18-civ earth map is. It's really, really bad. Imagine a strip of land, one tile wide... And impassible mountains on one side. Ocean on the other.

            You're stuck in that tiny strip until you develop sailing.
            After sailing, you can cut off South America from the rest of the Americas, but then you're left with a jungle filled continent that requires quite a lot of work to get productive.

            And barbarians who have been left with the continent for a long time at that point are going crazy with it.

            It's so bad, it's really a blast to play. :-)

            Europe is not really a friendly place to start either. You've got room for MAYBE 2 cities before you're completely surrounded. It pays to be really aggressive there because there are lots of resources, but you've gotta fight for them.


            • #7
              It sounds a lot like real Earth. Maybe I'll give it a go
              - Dregor


              • #8
                But the Romans and their Praets begin in the middle of Europe.

                I used this fact when I began a world conquest attempt and I've only captured cities, not built them so far. 12 civs down, Incas Aztecs and Mongols disabled, its all looking good.


                • #9
                  where is the 18 civ world map? can anyone provide a link?

                  I've only been playing with the default. Though I did have one downloaded. But it appears to be only playable on normal speed. . When I put it on epic speed the game ended in the 1800's (and I lost)

                  I have played the one that came with the original game. My best game was as germany. I took out the romans early and had some primo land.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Senethro
                    But the Romans and their Praets begin in the middle of Europe.
                    If you play as Germany you can control the Romans AND the Greek so easily. Just have to deny open borders and place your first 3 cities strategically and you can easily expand into russia and scandinavia + Great Brittain without competition. On all my games the roman only have a city in Italy, one in spain and few meagre cities in Africa.


                    • #11
                      Hmm ... isn't it possible to edit Earth maps to improve their "livability" factors? No, I suppose giving the Inca a bit more useful land (and a way to cross the mountains) doesn't strictly make it a realistic Earth map anymore, but ...

                      Gatekeeper (who's altered the Earth maps in Civ II so that landlocked Asian nations actually have a chance to impact the game)
                      "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire

                      "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius

