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What is GNP means?

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  • What is GNP means?

    (sorry for short english..)

    I thought GNP is a total gold of the empire.
    but.. maybe it exactly not...

    I just wonder... if I research 100% to science...and
    there's 50 commerce in my empire..
    my gnp is 50?
    and then if I build a library.. My gnp grow? or not?

    maybe not by a building..

    but when I vary the percent of science/commerce.. the GNP varies slightly..

    and.. I just guessed that GNP is (total commerce / total population)...
    but.. can't calculate it correctly..

    if there's someone who knows what the GNP exactly means.. plz teach me.

  • #2
    It's basically raw commerce (ie not counting specialists nor multipliers) minus post-inflation expenses.

    Much like the rest of the demographics it's not realistic nor calculated in a sensible way.

    Like here's a couple of fun ones:
    The act of whipping will ALWAYS improve your approval rate.

    The act of drafting will ALWAYS improve your life exptectancy.


    • #3
      GNP = Gross Nationale Product


      • #4
        thx for reply..

        I will try to find the exact calculation of GNP in demographics..

        and about last reply.. I know GNP is the initial of gross national product..
        and know exactly what GNP means in the real world..

        I just asked what GNP represent exactly in this GAME..


        • #5


          • #6
            blake is right, i believe


            • #7
              I reckon that in Civ4 the "G" stands for "garbled". How can one possibly have a negative gross value, as mine is often shown in the early and middle game ?


              • #8
                if your expenses exceed your income?

                only if your recourses are very good (lots of gold and jewls) I keep making a profit with my tech level high, if not the tech level usualy has to drop

