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Ranking the Traits- A Discussion on the Relative Strengths of the Civ Traits

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  • #46
    It really is up to each player what they think the best are, which shows that they did a good job balancing them, though Financial is usaually high on the lists and expansive usaually low.

    Here's mine

    1. Financial
    2. Industrious
    3. (Tied) Agressive
    3. (Tied) Creative
    5. Philosophical
    6. (Tied) Organized
    6. (Tied) Expansive
    6. (Tied) Spiratual

    The reason why is because with the +50% your chances of getting the wonders in insanely increased, espically if you have a tech lead, which is easy if you have Financial (which is why I usaually choose Qin Shi Huang) Agressive is a nessissity for a warmonger. Creative is more like Expansive then Expansive is. Phisosophical is just an odd one I think, it's not really bad, but I like those others better. But if there was an Industrious/Philosophical leader I'd definatly go with them. And Organized, Expansive and Spiratual are just not that good. Organized isn't useful until late in the game when I can afford to the extra, Expansive just isn't any good, and I don't switch civics very often, I NEVER have more then 8 anarchy turns oh Epic.


    • #47
      1- Finantial
      2- Creative

      I prefer exppansion, grab land and resources (war or

      peace). So, finantial, creative and organized are top.

      I admit philo or spiritual can be powerful tools in the

      hands of a master player, but...

      Best regards,


      • #48
        Yeah, the game is very well designed and balanced.


        • #49
          It's all about learning how to play TO your traits. This is how I explain it to my friends just starting out: know your advantages before you make a strategy. If you have Agg, then get Feudalism and Theology quickly. Build units in barrack'd cities under Vassalage and Theocracy and you will quickly find yourself at an advantage.

          Likewise, if you see some stone near your capital, beeline for Masonry, hook it up, then crank out the stone-based wonders. Don't worry about the marble-based ones, no matter how impressive they seem.

          Horses but no metals: beeline for Horseback Riding, give them Flanking promos and always counter-attack.

          Financial trait: beeline Pottery and buildum you some Towns. If you are Washington, signifiy your fiscal prowess by putting your own face on the state currency.
          "The human race would have perished long ago if its preservation had depended only on the reasoning of its members." - Rousseau
          "Vorwärts immer, rückwärts nimmer!" - Erich Honecker
          "If one has good arms, one will always have good friends." - Machiavelli

